How have the suburbs changed in your country?
How have the suburbs changed in your country?
my house was literally built two years ago
This is a nice picture. It really shows how much a neighborhood can pretty much completely change over a few years. Top and bottom: Completely unrecognizable !!!
yes, mexicanon
nowadays, they're way out in the stickerinos, like 20 miles out, in the land of corn and parsons
Everyone lives in the same houses. You could literally find the same house in two cities 2000km apart.
I actually like it because now atleast neighbourhoods look tidy and with grass and trees
All the houses they build in new developments seem to be white now.
>How have the suburbs changed in your country?
they went from
>homes having no garages
>small blocks of land/lots and densely built together
>huge tree lined streets
>ample footpath/sidewalk space on both sides of the street
>tiny curbs that don't damage car wheels when parking
>every house has at least a single garage
>much larger blocks of land/lots (although newer houses are much smaller)
>hardly any trees
>usually no footpaths, sometimes only on one side of the street
>massive curbs the size of dams that wreck your wheels
not good
seems like they're trying to make up for the deficit in the population! haha
Modern housing estates tend to be very awkwardly designed, I think the green belt restricting develepment is a big reason for that
These two cities are 1200km apart
same, except our newer houses are bigger rather than smaller
We don't have suburbs as you know them. People transform those neighourhoods by opening stores, building an extra floor, selling their houses to a company to built a small mall. Driving 10 minutes to the nearest store is not common in this country.
at least they're not huge and tacky
In my area they went from single story, wide, long driveways+lawns, medium buffer between houses to 2 story, tall, short driveways+lawns, tight buffer between houses
idk about top but bottom pic is 700k starting btw, its an area i actually checked out kek
I fucking hate suburbs, they're a soulless creation of the anglo and the jew.
So are the suburbs in the country.
Looks identical to that, naturally
Suburbs in DC are getting blacker as the city gets less so. The distinction is going away.
The house I grew up in was built over a hundred years ago. The one I live in now was built 20 years ago.
bottom, middle, or top?
They were all built at different points in history.
all of it exists here, that old split level design as well
smaller plots of land, townhouses, really wealthy people with new houses next to poorfags with old, small houses and heaps of land.
very expensive, condominiums are all the rage now
>New Hampshire
cozy as fuck
unfortunately new hampshire was having patio renovation at the time of that shot
Anglo suburbs give me the creeps. The houses themselves are nice but the whole vibe of the place is what bothers me. For example, how come they never have fences? Do Americans think that if you need privacy you're trying to hide something?
you only need a fence if you have a dog, otherwise don't fence me in
Fences are weird. Never understood them when I saw them in euro suburbs.
what I don't really understand are those tiny courtyards made by low brick walls in front of british terraces, I don't think they're helping
we've actually been moving away from front fences/walls
the backyard is typically always walled off for privacy but front has opened up
dogs are more typically let inside rather than left outside now
kids are more typically inside due to TV and videogames
BBQ's and other public events give a bad vibe if inside a fence
suburbs are inherently secure from "invasion" because of how close you are to your neighbor (theres also gated suburbs for higher income levels)
people like showing off their lawns
and finally getting online orders becomes hard with a fence (lazy delivery man will either chuck it over or withhold it for you to go pick it up at location)
I feel like you didn't read his post, he is asking why there is a lack of fences, and really, there are no fences.
yes? im highlighting all the reasons why we dont have front fences anymore