>12 yo cousin wants to play on my computer
>she comes to my room
>mom yells “keep the door open”
12 yo cousin wants to play on my computer
Does your mom think you're a pedo?
He is
cringe mom ruining the fun
look at his flag
Is she cute?
based mum
No sex before you're married.
she wants to make sure you propose first
He never said he would rape her or anything
>op is cockblocked by his own mom
That wouldn't be pedophilia.
holy shit I hadn't laughed this hard at an Yas Forums post since a while now
mommy got a flashback from her time with her own cousin when she a teenager
Also this
Your mother deserves to be raped.
Have you considered it has less to do with your mum not trusting you, and more to do with your mum knowing things happen behind closed doors? Perhaps she was molested by her own cousin and understood no one would believe her if she came out and said it. Leaving the door open ensures nothing will happen. Even if you trust someone 100% it’s better to be safe than sorry, right?
Just marry her and you're good to go
Reminds me of those times I slept in the same bed with my cousin when I was little
Tell your mom and cousin about your amazing friendly international friends
did you coom in her?
No (but I wanted to)
I would not recuperate from that
Understand you portuanon
Now you gotta fuck your mom, that'll show her
I definitely might have done questionable things with my younger female cousins. Those hypothetical things are things that might be prevented in cases where doors are left open. I for one know I will never not suspect little teen boys trying to take advantage of younger girls.
why are you still living with your mother?
To creep on her causing
you gonna stone her?