This is going to be an Asian-Latino hybrid ethnostate in 50 years

This is going to be an Asian-Latino hybrid ethnostate in 50 years.

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I still don't know why PoC love shitholes like CA so much


Can not express in words how much I hate pinoys. Chinese, the japs, Koreans, all act normal, but the sheer arrogance of Filipinos here is just infuriating

So the Philippines?

tick tock white boi/black boi
california is sino-hispanic

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fuck chinks, we will be japonic-olmecan

The jews are the actual reason why you're here. California was actually a white majority state back then (see pic related). One day you filthy immigrants and kikes will pay for it for pushing us for mass-immigration and liberalism. You chinks and spics were nothing but literal Pakistani/Somali sandnigger immigrants of the U.S.

Diversity is a codeword for white genocide
Anti-racist is a codeword for Anti-white

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It will be a mutt shithole with a variety of half-white upper castes and some pure Asians ruling over poor Hispanics, dark mutts and some Blacks

My Pinoy bf is cute! cute!

We olmecs are anti liberalism

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Diversity is codeword for olmec genocide

Anti-racist is a codeword for Anti-olmec

It's a little more complicated. The elites will be White-Asian happas. You see a lot of happa couples and their children in the rich parts of LA and especially in the Bay Area.

The underclass will be an unholy amalgamation of Mexicans, Blacks, and the left over White trash. Disgusting, vile creatures who will be increasingly priced out and move to the Central Valley, Inland Empire, and High Desert. They will drive 4 hours a day to their shitty job in the Bay Area or LA to clean the toilets and then go home to their drug-infested dens.

>50 years

Yeah, this is almost already the case.

Don''t worry. COVID is killing everyone there.

Except for the part where it isnt

It isn't? California has the 5th most cases and the 9th most deaths. It's definitely ravaging Cali.

Fox News has estimated at least 400,000 cases in California with 1-2k dead/day. You can't fool us

Sounds based, I want to live in US now

I thought Asian people hate living in hot climates? That's why they avoid living in Florida and the South.

How are so many in California?

>most people
>9th most deaths
That clearly means it’s not ravaging california

>citing Fox News
Oh. Oh no

Take a look at a map of the world and tell me what states are closest to Asia

>COVID is killing everyone there

Republicans seething and larping that California is fucked by COVID but cant accept that our competent state government actually handled it

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California just passed Louisiana and now has the 8th most number of total deaths

Nice "handling" of it.

>muh per capita

I don't care about that. Its raw numbers that count

Airplanes exist.

>in 50 years

>statistics don’t matter, only deaths
>not even top 3 in deaths

Kek. Damage control harder

Good thing there's a white-Asian alliance vs the Mestizos. Hispanics despise Asians out there, and Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Filipinos, etc.) despise Spics

Still top 10 and there's 50 states. Good job.

>not even top 5 even with the most people


The only states with more cases are New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Illinois.

You know how I can tell that you don't live here? Probably some butthurt poltard living in some flyover. Asians and Hispanic relations in California are generally apathetic to friendly. If anything asians see you as more of a threat because they're the ones competing against you for your upper class jobs in sectors like finance and tech. Whites and blacks are both declining in California, go live with your nogs in kansas or some shit.

And odds are, its gonna strike harder but you guys purposefully aren't testing people

You know COVID kills Spics and Nigs pretty quickly and California is combined 75% Hispanic and Black

>its raw numbers that count

You must be joking. California passed Louisiana to have the 8th most deaths? California literally has 10x the population, 4 million to 40 million. How do you think diseases spread?

>purposefully not testing people

What did he mean by this

I dont think the Asians can save it. The state's IQ keeps going down and wealth inequality keeps going up. Then there are the homeless issues. I guess it's what happens when you have wealthy liberals that live in a bubble and just virtue signal while everything below them crashes and burns.

what does this mean? picker of cotton?

>Probably some butthurt poltard living in some flyover. Asians and Hispanic relations in California are generally apathetic to friendly.

Yeah, those Koreans during the LA Riots were targeting White males. Look at all this apathy toward's Hispanics!

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The ONLY thing commiefornia has going for it is the nice weather and the national parks further inland, aside from that the cities are major hellscapes

No it means Picker of coons you racist.

>Whites and blacks are both declining in California,

Literally more Blacks than Asians in movies about California.

This, LA is hell and horrible urban planning. Its basically a bunch of spread out suburbs. But I went to UC Santa Cruz and I was right next to the mountains and beach and the weather was 24/7 warm and sunny everyday of the year

Only 526,084 people have been tested in a state of 40 million. Not even #1 in testing, but yet top 10 in both cases (just passed Pennsylvania) and deaths (just passed Louisiana)

if they’re not testing people, why would they have just passed Louisiana

Imagine being proud of passing a poor Southern shithole thats full of blacks lmao.

Why are you avoiding the question?