I was in Guangdong last year, and some Chinese acquaintances were floored that I was wearing a t-shirt in 18 degree weather.
At what point is it "cold out" in your country?
If it's over 50 degrees I cannot wear a coat
Around 15 degrees maybe.
Depends on the person.
I usually only consider it to be cold when a jacket is required, which is usually when it drops below 10C.
My faggot ass parents start complaining as soon as it drops below 20C, wtf.
10 and above is when you start seeing people in t-shirts
I consider it cold when my nose hair freezes into ice and have to protect cheeks against windfreeze.
>Canadian flag
Like cockwork
Around 0 degrees is cold
Of course there are ''im a tough VIKANG'' larpers who will say that the general consesus is that its only truly cold at -30 or whatever
but 0 degrees celcius is when it goes from warm to cold
Probably around 20 ºC, if the temp drops below that i'll have to wear a coat or something
Southern Chinks really can’t stand cold. It’s late April in Vermont and my roommates still have the heat cranked up all the time
Around 40 degrees is where it starts actually being “cold”
How was Peshawar this year Ahmed?
What's your problem, Ahmed? Still upset that your ancestors didn't jump on over to the most based colony?
Seconds apart, fellow high IQ Leaf.
Depends on the season, really
+10C would be cold for a summer day while -20C would be cold for a winter day
Right back at you brother.
Similar where I grew up. In the summers it would frequently get to +35C, but could also get to -35C in the winters.
if it's like 30-40 degrees on the Fahrenheit scale I'd say it's getting a touch chilly.
If i have to put on a jumper its cold so below 21
Can farenheit users actually fucking neck themselves
go be french somewhere else
10 or up is warm enough for a shirt desu
Depends, ambient temperature is not that important.
It's still kinda cold but much better
I can't stand the cold and really hate it
Summer is the only good season can't wait to feel the sun on my skin and get a nice tan. Farmers only complain here no matter what, i always read shit about how it's not raining enough yeah like i fucking care i'm freezing 9 months a year so fuck you
0-15 is the only range of acceptable range of answers.
If you claim anything over 15 is "cold" you are either a feeble old man or literally a jungle monkey.
If you claim anything bellow 0 is "not cold" you are are fat ass subhuman Skyrim larper.
>a nigger who got like 30C all year long wants to tell me anything about german wather
no, 0*C is when water freeze. warm/cold has no scientific changeover point. your definition of cold can differ from mine, deal with it.