Why do some English dudes look med while others look northern european?

Attached: Englishdudes.png (1350x768, 857.12K)

Londonders aren’t English

random jew ancestry

celto-iberian vs anglo-teutonic phenotypes

Left - soul
Right -soulless

Brown eyed people don't have souls.

>Not all people from the same ethnicity look the same

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Didn't know Belarus was this Based

Brand's hair is brown, not black.

nobody has a soul

So? Meds have brown hair, not black hair.

my dad had BLACK hair and we're mediterraneans

Attached: 608520f7-73fb-400a-9d48-eafecd28e70f.jpg (980x1323, 50.87K)

Edgy Croatian. Did a serb kill your family?

yes actually, my great aunt and great uncle, they were dalmatians and 70+ years old
they got killed while running in cold blood by some mentally ill serb

Ahem, no sweaty. You're not Mediterranean. Back to the steppes with you Slobadovitch.


Left: Britons, the Celtic tribe who lived in Great Britain longer than Anglo-Saxons
Right: Anglo-Saxons, the Germanic tribe who settled for Great Britain and started to live there since 500 AD

Nationality =/= Ethnicity
British people are Celto-Germanic, a mixture of Germanic and Celtic.

Attached: Britain.Anglo.Saxon.homelands.settlements.400.500.jpg (2100x2369, 771.86K)

That's definitely brown, not black. Fair skin and light eyes, too. Or maybe it's just the photograph.

Brand doesn't look Mediterranean. He looks exactly like what you'd expect a swarthy Englishman to look like. The reason some Brits look different is because, ocassionally, throughout history, some people have passed the borders of their countries and moved elsewhere. Some people have even bred with other people who were not their close relatives.

Because we're descended from Celts and Germanics. Some people have more Celt blood and others have more Germanic blood.

Colin Furze is also genuinely crazy. He has done some pretty dangerous things. Maybe it's the genes after all.

dark brown is just cope word for brown, he had blue eyes and was quite pale, nothing out of the ordinary for a southern croatian

cope word for black*

Why will people claim Brand looks Celtic and deny Roman heritage on the genepool of the British, when it could be a likely claim?

Stop using drugs.

Because he has an Atlantid phenotype that is common in France and UK, but not in Italy. Italians have much different and softer facial features. You're too focused on eye and hair color and the myth of blonde blue-eyed potato-faced Northeners to notice it.


So? I'm blond, blue eyed and cumskin but with Iberian facial structure.

Hello, based department?


kek do you actually believe this? What about me? Black or brown?

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black eyebrows and brown hair, here is me, people call me black haired

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