Any stuttering bros in? why is there no cure for this bull shit?

any stuttering bros in? why is there no cure for this bull shit?

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I used to stutter like crazy when I was 15-18, dont stutter anymore though

You s.s.stutter?
There's vocal exercises for this, bro.

I don't stutter but I straight up forget how to pronounce words because I almost never talk.

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I stutter a bit I don't think it's that big of a problem
Same I think I'm retarded

i think stuttering can work to your advantage if youre cute

I wonder to what extent this works? Girls think I’m cute and I stutter, but what do they mean by “cute”? Is it pity?

>I straight up forget how to pronounce words
It's okay bro, most croats don't even know the difference between ć and č to begin with ;)

he things irl is anime

maybe it's the mother instinct? Idk really but I find stuttering to be a cute feature as well. I'm not a girl tho

Isnt there speech therapy for this? My friend had problems rolling the R but got it fixed through therapy

I was born with a deformed tongue which prevents me from rolling my Rs. It's irksome but I've learnt over the years to only use words that don't include double Rs or require me to roll them.
I remember being teased in High School, kids would tell me 'Hey, [Name], say [Word with R rolling]!', but then I learnt about the magic of not being a wuss and defending myself. Then they fucked off.
Teachers would also think I was joking around when I told them I just couldn't pronounce certain words, I got sent to the principal's office once, and the professor had to apologize to me. But there was one who just wouldn't accept it, she forced me multiple times to go to the chalkboard and in front of every pupil recite a poem with a lot of R rolling. 'Twas really embarrassing to me. It was also during the time teachers were allowed to beat up students, so I got the cane several times just due to not being able to talk properly.
Anyways, I'm with y'all stuttering anons. You will overcome this woe!

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That can only be a problem when writing

Not everyone lives in Finland where you can just get some free speech therapy because you stutter desu

I know a guy who stuttered when young, but it went away
I also know someone who started stuttering after getting bullied or some weird shiet

>any s-stuttering b-bros in? w-w-why is t-there n-n-no cure fo-for this b-b-bull shit?

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Its ""free"" in europe

Used to have it pretty bad but I grew out of it for the most part. I occasionally will stutter when I'm nervous.

There is a cure, you just need to find your inner peace and relax. 90% of your stuttering comes before you even open your mouth.

I don't "forget" how to pronounce words, but oftentimes when I talk I mispronounce words mid sentence like I'm having a stroke. Because of this, I'm convinced that I have some form of brain damage and it's left me deeply distressed, desu.

what did he mean by this

If you're good looking anything can work

Nothing's free.

I think dating someone with a stutter would be cute and endearing at first, but it would slowly start to become irritating if you're in a relationship with them.

Sames. I stutter a bit, I can't breath properly when talking and my mouth gets dry.

During high school I was known as the extremely shy gut who spoke very softly and was bullied for it.

That the public healthcare should be able to help him
Hence the quotation marks

How does it feel to stutter? I mean physically when it happens

I am genuinely curious about what you mean, can you do a vocaroo saying something ?

>During high school I was known as the extremely shy gut who spoke very softly and was bullied for it.

How old are you? I'm almost 33 and such thing didn't occur here in my school years. I thought U r gay was progressive?

it's all the soda you drink

That was how 70-80's schools were here.

I can't. It's like asking a blind person to describe an object. My tongue doesn't reach the place where it's supposed to be when rolling Rs. There's no sound coming out, as if I skipped over the R in the word. For example: "Arrasar" becomes "Asar".

my friend stutter a lot when anxious so he developed alcoholism to cope and even be able to talk to other people (besides me), I feel you user, it must suck

damn, sorry you had to deal with that shit. crazy all the horror stories my parents and other older people tell me about the abused authority in schools back in the day.

my gfs uncle has a really bad stutter, except it's mostly only when he speaks english. he will very badly get stuck on a certain word and just PUH PUH PUH PUH like he just cant get it out even after trying to say it up to 8 times. when that happens ive noticed he clenches his fists and then resorts to saying the word in spanish. he also stutters in spanish but nowhere near as bad for some reason. he went to speech therapy for a long time and apparently it was 10 times worse than it is now when he was younger, which is just sad. my gfs dad said he was viciously bullied back in the day, so my gfs dad would have to beat the shit out of people.

i don't drink soda

I stutter but only with certain people, my words also get all slurred when it happens, it's like my brain is failing. It's not the type of stutter that you see on movies where the actor g-g-goes li-li-ike t-this.

Did anyone else have to go to a speech therapist in school? I never had a stutter, but I really struggled with r/l/w/f/th sounds in school. Once or twice a week I would get sent to the school speech therapist to work on my pronunciation.

Do you see his flag? I doubt such facilities are easily available to him

You get like a mental blockade and the more you stutter the more you panic which makes you stutter more.