Women's bathroom = western Europe
Men's bathroom = eastern Europe
Women's bathroom = western Europe
>women bathroom are clean
>t.never had to clean the women's rest room
You know this pic was drawn by a foid
t. been bullied and forced into female toilet in school
The women's restroom = SOULLESS
The CHAD's restroom = SOUL
literally the point of this comic.
Western Europe is often seen as almost perfect by some outsiders, but everyone inside it knows how shit it actually is.
Janitor detected.
>Jim shat here
>Fuck you Jim
>Jim shat here again
based Jim
right, all that piss on the floor and walls in the WOMENS RESTROOM.
why do women get offended at the thought that their bathrooms are factually cleaner?
I lived in a dorm when I was studying and I shared the flat with 3 girls
i don't know what a foid is, but take into account that it was a different time. the internet wasn't as red-pilled.
Did you fuck them?
I fucking wish.
Imagine seeing a droplet of pee on the toilet seat in the women's bathroom and just licking it clean haha.
No, they were several years older than me
They sure as fuck are cleaner than the men's bathroom.
Seriously women are bigger pigs than men. I have to replace a computer of a female colleague at work today. Boy I've never seen such a dirty keyboard. After I was finished I cleaned my hands for like 5 minutes.
As if that was preventing you.
Did you also put moisturizer on your hands
Nah I'm a guy and have more test in my pinky than in your entire body. Men's bathroom is dirtier. The worst thing you'll find in the woman's bathroom is used tampons. Men regularly shit and piss on the floor, draw graffiti everywhere and rub their snot on the walls.
>womens restrooms in the USA
Literally have sofas and furniture in them
>mens restrooms in the USA
forced to urinate in trough surrounded by other men
So much denial on this thread holy shit if you hate women so much just go full transition and cut your dicks off.
>if you hate women just go and mutilate yourself to look like a failed attempt at a woman
I hate it when the foids do in the men's bathroom because there is a line at the foid bathroom.
m*n deserve if for centuries of oppression
>Nah I'm a guy and have more test in my pinky than in your entire body
No chad ever talks even remotely like this.
Benjamin this is not reddit. Check your browser tabs.
Women's bathrooms are given far, far more attention by cleaning staff while men's bathrooms are basically ignored because they know that a man won't complain about it.
At public venues where bathrooms are erected on a temporary basis and aren't really cleaned, women often use the men's room because of how much cleaner it is. Adult females are disgusting when it comes to hygiene in general.
>Benjamin this is not reddit. Check your browser tabs.
Little girls are clean, though. Clean enough to cum in and eat out.
Nooooooooooooo they are perfect little princesses and their vaginas smell like flowers! Don't disturb my virgin illusions!!
Damn.... powerful.
Check out the ladies room after the bar closes, it's a shitshow. Tampons on the walls, shitpaper in the sinks and bins, piss fucking everywhere and snus on the ceiling for some reason. God damn i'm glad i quit that business.
I like how no one has refuted my point.
The fuck is wrong with you?
What you said is not an argument to refute, it's a wrong imagination.
It's not wrong nor is it my imagination. I'm likely the only one here who has actually had to clean bathrooms and everyone else is talking out of their ass. Maybe it's different in other businesses but in my experience the men's was always filthier.