There would be no war and the regions would develop much faster. Especially with one language (or two)
Instead Slavs chose balkanization and poverty for themselves
There would be no war and the regions would develop much faster. Especially with one language (or two)
Instead Slavs chose balkanization and poverty for themselves
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no, Patuljko (or should I say Škratek as is iml), we will not switch to Serbocroatian no matter what elaborate ploy you come up with
Agree. I am a huge fan of Pan-Slavism.
Your meme language shouldn't exist, the serbo-croataian should be called yugoslavian and should be spoken in all of yugoslavia including bulgaria
You can use it as your second language at home, but official language should stay serbo-croatian
In fact serbo-croatian it is the nicest sounding slavic language so I could even applaud it as a national language for all Slavs
This. I'm only divided between confederation or unitary state. After that I think there should be one official language for all slavs, imagine the potential it would bring and the opportunities for business if it was implemented today
Not even talking about pre-WW2 era where there would never be war because Slavia would simply be too powerful to handle.
>Euro-Slavism (Euroslavism) is a political concept that evolved from Pan-Slavism. It aims to solve problems of Slavic peoples within the European Union. Euroslavists promote cooperation and unity among Slavic peoples, which can be achieved through European integration.[1][2]
I a firmly agree. Also I think Moscow should be the spiritual and political centre of this union.
Poles were already part of a pan-Slavic union, why didn't they stay part of it after WW1?
Russia wasn't pan-slavic union. It was an empire
Pshek come to balk
Fuck off we are 100% TVRKIC TVRANIC BVLLS, we dont want to be in the same union with you
Because the West made them betray their Slavic brothers. This is why we need to ensure that no Western influence may enter to the New Pan-Slavic state.
I am definitely down for Yugoslavia that includes Bulgaria and gradual transition to мeждycлaвянcки eзик. However, the serbs need to stop chimping out for like 1 generation. Please.
>In fact serbo-croatian it is the nicest sounding slavic language
Talking in Sthokavian feels like ripping flesh with your mouth like you're some sort of animal.
fuck off, boot licker
It was as far as we got to a pan-slavic nation. Age of empires was over by that anyway, one way or another the empire would go.
USSR was also close, but it had too many turkic nationalities, so it couldn't be truly slavic.
So, a pan-Slavic empire? What's so bad about that?
I agree that Serbs and Croats are the least civilized of Slavs and they need to be tamed but their problems came out of WW2 which would never came. However I do not think this idea is viable nowadays. I just feel we wasted time for freedom and development (and relevance)
It sucks
B-but I'm Patuljko, OP is an impostor...
USSR was unironically working better than your balkanized countries. You can agree with that.
When I was younger I always imagined large system of high speed railways accorss Russia from Rostov to Moscow (through Luhansk, which is now in different country) from Minsk to Moscow etc.
huge potential and wasted.
No it was Russian empire. Not pan slavic
>Croatians making their own Bruce Springsteen song
pretty cool
they're yugoslav
Panslavism is a Czech plot to take over the world.
this, but unironically
Outdated map.
You forgot westernmostslavia i.e. Portugal
This but unironically
need a land connection
Add Hungary
They are Slavs in denial and if not Slavic they will definitely fall into out German continental sphere
Actually forget it, we need them to create the Greater Prussian Reich from Netherlands to Siebenbürgen
They were always under German sphere and so they would probably stay there. But I guess in such scenario Hungary would like to play a second switzerland being neutral and balance between powers