Would you date a girl if she was a moderate muslim Yas Forums?
Why (not)?
Would you date a girl if she was a moderate muslim Yas Forums?
Why (not)?
No because I hate muslims lamo
>moderate muslim
Like those that don't eat pork and don't like it when you say bad things about their religion or genuine religious ones?
Why would i care? I'm not a "muh sky daddy" type of athiest.
I'm chatting online to this really beautiful Moroccan girl. Naturally blonde, brown eyes, muslim. I've never seen anything like it
Think she's getting bored of me though
Let's say she drinks alcohol and is pretty progressive, doesn't go to mosque but still prays and fasts and shit
You won't find a single one that bothers praying while drinking alcohol on the side. However a scenario where she fasts can happen. I would be ok with it
I matched this really weird Turkish girl who was a metalhead, e-girl, marxist and wore a fucking hijab on tinder. You truly meet some interesting figures out there.
Yes i would like one turkish girlfriend
weird combo
Drop it or fuck off
As long as she sucks dick.
yes because I am moderate muslim
Genuine question. How can you stay religious in a western country if you're not like devout religious person?
Just seems like you inevitably get out of touch with your faith. Through just nobody caring about it in your environment and being exposed to ideas that just don't go together with the religious narrative
Yeah she was weird, kinda seemed like a bitch desu so I just messed with her.
you stay within equally religious groups
i know plenty of christians who keep up with their church groups
Yes but I wouldn't want to deal with her muslim family because I'm not fucking converting
If you need external reinforcement to your faith, maybe you weren't religious in the first place?
I’m going through this dilemma right now fellas
>she’s 9/10 Qt 3.14
>basically looks like a med
>very nice girl
>no hijab
>likes me
>always texts me
>laughs at my jokes even when they’re raunchy
As long as you'retolerant of other cultures
I'd date her if she was immoderate too, idc
Of course
most people aren't really religious. They just grew up with it and never questioned it.
Same brother, literally my situation.
what you going to do?
I’m going to ask her if she wants to grab a coffee with me when this blows over desu, you should too if she’s a qt and you like her
If you’re apprehensive about asking just think that you won’t have to see her until after quarantine anyway
Yeah I actually had a date planned with her but we had to cancel cause of this rona shit.
But she genuinely seems pretty great + she's super cute.
No harm in going on a date even if you’re slightly unsure about the culture gap (I’m just assuming you are because you made this thread)
Good luck user
Then what's the point. You can always fake it when family visits.