Yas Forumscraft - a server named after this board

The new Yas Forumscraft launches by the 20th of May. It's gonna be set in 1700 in a map of the north atlantic. You can play as any country that existed at the time.
Jannies have created a new plugin to replace towny, which works with EUIV-esque provinces instead of chunks, making a lot of things entirely different.
Consider playing maybe France, Spain, or Austria

You can learn more about past iterations here:

Here's the discord:

For the people who used to play we hope you join us again, this new plugin should change some things around, and for any new people we hope you try it out.

> pic is of an older iteration

Attached: 2019-06-11_20.46.15.png (1920x1001, 1.6M)

French Kingdom will dominate this Serb.

stfu, noone, absolutely noone but fucking redditers want to play some old ass game. This shit is wack af, make a subreddit already and stop gaying shit up here

Back to Yas Forums with you plebian.

Minecraft is unironically the best game ever made.

And Yas Forumscraft is a forbidden but old and very awesome part of Yas Forums board hstory.



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Intcraft was a mistake

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Yeah we need a mod to make it great again.

only a little

Ottoman jannies will fuck the whitetoid

u must be 18 to post here

newfag bait

post the map. anytime an Yas Forumscraft iteration comes up I always wanna see the map to tingle my autism

the mapman has been summoned
this map means nothing

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have sex subhuman frog

Attached: frog.png (613x613, 38.06K)

I'm preparing to play France and destroy all other nation daring to exist

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I want to be finnish and get ravaged by a strong swedish man :DDDDDDDDDD

finland is going to be very comfy


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venice. join it.

come to america and have a comfy colonial plantation

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we do need a good group to play as france and not just a drunk fag

bumped for venetian gold

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>ottoman cuba
>moroccan haiti


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venetian debt will cripple france if the polish army doesnt

I hope so