Lets see what political stance Yas Forums has. Post 'em
Lets see what political stance Yas Forums has. Post 'em
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shitty test
It's a bad test
Range banned for pics, lol:
Capitalism: 93%
Patriotic: 63%
Liberal: 72%
Progress: 71%
This test was clearly made for Americans.
Who else gives a shit about stuff like guns and healthcare?
range banned
Socialist 78%
Peaceful 65%
Liberal 61%
Progressive 73%
democratic socialism
agree that it's a shit test
>let us profile you for free
how about no
I used to be a libertarian btw.
>Progress (Society)
>Those with higher Progress scores believe in social change and rationality.
So apprently if you're a progressive, you're rational, if you're not a progressive you're irrational. Very neutral.
>Victimless crimes (such as drug use)
Fucking retarded. How are drug addicts and their families not victims? Plus, the state paying for their treatment and social aid.
And the whole dumb test is full of loaded and vague questions. Trash. "Theocratic distributism" sounds cool, though.
Io voto PD
I forgot the pic and I already deleted it, fuck it.
I'm pretty sure what they mean by rational is like one of the questions when it asked you if culture should be discarded for rationality.
Victimless crime refers to a crime that only involves the perpetrator or the perpetrator and another consenting adult. It isn't assumed that the state is necessarily paying for their treatment and aid, as the test also asks you if the state should have a say in health. As for family, the family has the option of throwing the addict out if they're adults, so that wouldn't make them a victim per se. If the drug addict is an authority figure, then the crime is not their drug addiction but the child neglect, domestic abuse, etc.
updated version
Pretty accurate for me I think
This is better
big brained enlightened centrist here
can't be fucked with this
took too many of these tests as a kid
DemSoc chads rise up