How much is the average ounce in your cunt? Anything over $100 and you're being scammed.
How much is the average ounce in your cunt? Anything over $100 and you're being scammed
I don't know amerimutt units. It's 2500 HUF a gramm.
What is that like $12? I don't know 3rd world money conversions.
like 400-500$
used to be over 1000$ a couple of years ago before telegram
Stop being a pussy. Alcohol is discussed here all the time, we can have an occasional weed thread faggot.
like 5 to 7 dollars a gram
about 250€ which is 270$
Oregon fag here from the states that goes to a dispensary. You can get an oz of shake and/or cheap stuff for $60 pretty easy.
Anyone have any experience with ABV pills? Or just easy homemade edibles I guess.
I don't know. I never buy ounces.
I use this, then grind it all up into a powder mixed with some matcha, and then put them in capsules. It's super crazy efficient, especially nice with lockdown.
It's very expensive and hard to get now because we have closed the borders. People pay 60 euro for one g
Weed is illegal in every jurisdiction, criminal justice system diversion is prevalent but only for first time / low quantity offences. Prices in AUD:
Ounce / ozzie = $300-330
Half oz = $140-180
Quarter / Q = $80-100
50 = $50
Rigger / 25 = $25
95% of the weed is industrially produced, chemical ridden hydroponic stuff from Vietnamese organised crime who don’t give a fuck about the consumers, only the profits. They use illegal immigrants / visa overstayers to farm the crops.
t. state police intelligence analyst
I have never gotten high smoking weed. I tried it several times but it had no effect on me while my friends would get stoned just from a single drag.
This is 80$
Anything from £150-£260 depending on where you are and quality
180-200 is normal unless you're smoking garbage.
>Anything over $100 and you're being scammed.
you're lying or exaggerating. taxes alone make it way more if you're buying legal
What the fuck!? Even 20e a gram is like getting robbed here. Just grow your own cucks.
Normally an ounce would cost around $270 here, but because it's really fucking hard to get a hold of weed anywhere thanks to corona the price has skyrocketed to ~$1350 per ounce.
What the fuck? Where are you? I figured prices were more or less like this all across the US.
Thanks user. Sold out on Amazon, but I'll look around.
It costs like ¥4000~6000 for a gram in japan. It's totally a rip-off.
how do japanese view weed?
>Yes I will spend 120 dollars an ounce for the slightly higher grade weed from the internet and then pick it up at my mailbox a few days later
That's 232 dollars an ounce. Why do you need to use retarded units. Also who buys an ounce of a weed at once?
Drugs are for delinquents
they cant even recognize the smell
i think its super illegal?
what the fuck is an ounce, why can't you use grams like everybody on the planet fucking retard, are you also measuring your tiny dick after the foot lenght of a long time dead anglo king you stoooopid ?
Holy fuck you are an annoying pussy there are 28 grams to an ounce everybody knows this, I would triangle choke you the fuck out you annoying libertard yuropisstain pussy.