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أول للمهيب



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do you guys like these?

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dude wtf that sounded like porn

الـــــــعــــــرب الـــــــــــجــــــــرب الـــــــعــــــرب الـــــــــــجــــــــرب

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You mean the sal3oumi anthem

>posting with a flag based off Arab national colours

Is this كعك العباس؟ I thought only we eat it

is that yemeni cake or what is it

neck yourself and stop spamming

its eaten in Palestine as well, but we are basic and just call it كعك مع سمسم
>yemeni cake
don't know what that is sadly

more like posting under the anglos flag?
العرب جرب

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I think its the same, I know some yemenis here that make it and just call it كعك


its not that, the its really soft after we bake it and doesn't harden unless stale

I am Awsطralian mate

yea that thing is more of a biscuit than a cake

It's كعك وليام

Do palstinnians eat 2orrayne?
Apparently Israeli don't
It's كعك العباس

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Seething William

>Apparently Israeli don't
I still didn't get whats that fruit exact name from the last thread.
It doesn't look like anything I see when going to the local market

I have eaten them before yeah, there are people who grow them in their gardens. I forgot what we call them though

we don't get it from the market silly,They grow by themselves outside, and we collect and eat the,

>grow them in their gardens, never seen anyone do that, we just search for the yellow flower

أشياء يفعلها العراقي عندما لا يزعجنا على Yas Forums

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انا العب Sims 4

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>something doesn't exist?


It's azan time!

Babylonian empire didnt exist?

في فرق بين البابليين وين العراق
الباليين اندثرو واختلطت جيناتون بكل العالم
هي اذا ما أبادوهن المغول والفرس

سكان العراق مو من المنطقة انتم مجرد بدو ناكحون المعز وشاربين البعير متل الغوبلن يلس بالصورة

الآشوريين في العراق هنن سكان المنطقة الأصليين

بس بيجيني واحد راسو متوازي أضلاع وبيقول نحن الاصل ونحن الحضارة والأخرى انو بدو يثبت هالشي عموقع متوحدين

انت بدوي وانا متأكد ١٠٠% انو شكلك زنجي رمال
ولا تعزب حالك بالرد ما راح ناقشك

>يكتب كل هذا الخرا
>لا تتعب حالك ماراح اناقشك

Selam Aleykum