Is anything improving? Do you see your country becoming a liveable, decent, developed country in your lifetime?
3rd worlders, any positive changes?
my country is falling apart, grenades and molotoves and bank hijackings are becoming part of daily life, protests and counter protests everyday, and we just had the first mass shooting in 18 years, I think we are not fine
not really
No it's only getting worse
Nah. It is getting worse. They collect the garbage on Fridays now.
what are the chances for another civil war?
We are becoming more violent and nobody talks about it because they can only think about corona.
It doesn't even appear on the news as much is all about daily talks and updates about corona
There's still no established video game industry here, just nuke us already.
there is still no free gf government program for people without gfs
>a bloo bloo how I suffer in the first world
Fuck off and stop larping.
You already live life in easy mode
very high
mexico is 1st world
>i suffer in Mexico with all those gorgeous girls
If there was any hope of improving it was killed by the quarantine.
and what do you think will be the outcome of it? is it shia against sunni again? and what about the christian community?
Have you seen any changes in syria
The wu-flu is gonna do a number on our economy and our current government is in a political crisis and has an uncertain future. I don't think our future is looking bright at all.
Economy is going to shit, but at least the roads are getting slightly better
>is it shia against Sunni again
It was never like that, in Lebanon we have many parties but they all joined themselves into two pacs, one led by hezbollah with is 8 March, the other led by Sunnis which is 14 March, it appears to be Sunni vs Shia but it's not really like that
>what will be the outcome
Im positive there will be an invasion either by you or USA if they see hezbolalh winning
>what about the Christians
They are divided between those two parties, but right now there are tensions between Druze and Christians which Sint looking good as well,
Syria is now In a ceasefire, it's getting on its legs slowly
Everything's getting way worse. This is why I like Greta:
Actually yes, I said it on another thread, the town I live in developed a lot.
pic is it on the early 2000's, the only "new" buildings were commieblocks build in the 1970's
G_d hates us
and pic is it now, the Buses have AC and we even have a shopping center
SOUL vs SOULESS the /thread
I was there when the earthquakes happened on my honeymoon. It was a wild time.
It's after a hurricane right ?
In my experiencie Mexico is more developed and rich now compared to some years ago but also way more violent!
Violence is peaking
If we ever do invade. On behalf of all phats, i'm very sorry...
For the first time people are actually realizing that neopentencostals/pentecostals are unironically the cancer of this country. That is a good thing
Where did you stay? How was the earthquake experience for you?
1-2 years after. Erosion is destroying the beaches
>the fucking air conditioners
yes actually, so much changed here in 10 years
pic related
>south americans supporting amerikkka after all the shit they did to you
hyper cringe
you got rid of the cars, based