What happens in Eastern Poland? Is it true that they are considered the rednecks of Poland?
What happens in Eastern Poland? Is it true that they are considered the rednecks of Poland?
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Only Poles live there now, so...
nothing, so called poland b
It's generally speaking more conservative than the other parts of the country. They have good nature and historic sites, like the South-East has the prettiest and highest mountains in Poland, while the Central-East has important historical cities like Zamość and Sanok.
I've been to Białostok and Suwałki many times as a stop-over when I was visiting Lithuania, the North-East is empty as fuck, also Warmińsko-Mazurskie is the poorest part of this country I think.
What else... hmmm, if you've heard of Lithuanian Kugelis, there's some shithole town in Eastern Poland that I forgot the name of that makes exactly the same dish. And, uuuh, they have lots of European bisons. And one of their national parks is on fire right now because of global warming.
1. Take Ukrainian land
2. Take German land
3. Deport Germans
4. Move Ukranians to previously German land
5. ???
6. Profit
Did you know that Wrocław is one of the few places in the country where people eat pig's ear as a delicacy, because so many Lemkos/Ukrainians were resettled there as a part of akcja wisła. Go a tiny bit more east, to Katowice or Poznań, and people will be legit grossed out that people can eat this stuff. But the Wrocławians love them their pig's ears, you can even buy them at butcher's stores there.
>the rednecks of Poland
Rednecks of Poland are literally everywhere outside major urban areas.
There is no "dedicated redneck containment zone" in the country. The divide is s0y urbanites vs country bumpkins
Świętokrzyskie has the best roads in the entire country
Nie (You)suj mnie, dobra?
Areas that were never under german rule tnd to be more PiS-supportive.
>where people eat pig's ear as a delicacy
we do that here
he shat himself
at least 6 years until we see any S74 extension :(
beautiful places, nice people, very low cost of living, relatively low air pollution due to lack of bigger industry, it's just fields and forests mostly
there is some suburban sprawl around the towns but overall there's nice nature outside of the cities
podlasie is memed about as being the most rural place in Poland because there's little civilisation there and it borders Belarus
lubelskie is the most developed and the people there speak the clearest and most correct Polish in the entire country
>Is it true that they are considered the rednecks of Poland?
Did you took unhealthy dose of Reddit? There is no such thing as rednecks in Poland. It's not this culture. Stop americanizing everything retard
They are mostly conservative christians. However the problem for these regions is emigration of young people to Warsaw, or big cities or abroad.
Podkarpackie is considered ours Alabama and is often used as synonym of social conservatism
Podlasie is memed as a shithole even tho is actually nice place
co?? Byłem w Kielcach w styczniu i macie w chuj rozjebane drogi
Also they were most backward before accession to EU
People were literally using horse carriages there in early 2000s
Now it's changed and that's rural Northern Poland which is biggest shithole
And what are the most developed/urbanised regions then? Silesia?
Urbanized one definitely Silesia
Developed probably Greater Poland or Pomorskie
These are only truly first world voivodeships if you take also villages into account
Ukrainians are Poland's rednecks
Ok Ivan
You get another five rubels. Happy?
At least Ukrainians live in developed former German areas now.
Based, war had already ended couple years prior but did the commies let it stop them In Poland or In the other parts of the region? Not by a long shot
You meant Opole voivodeship. Greater Poland voivodeship looks rather meh in villages. I always expected something more from the most 'germanized' Poles.
Why would a Russian shit on the Ukraine to praise Poland?
after we build normal roads there they will become much better place to live.
>But the Wrocławians love them their pig's ears
What about salo in chocolate?
I know it is better for stability of Poland but I'm sad it happened, it would be nice to have a truly 'different' region with another ethnicity, culture, language etc.
I wonder if Ukrainians in Ukraine still remember about Zakerzonia.
>lubelskie is the most developed and the people there speak the clearest and most correct Polish in the entire country
Olsztyn is cool, and Warmia in general. Rest is poo. Warmia is northern Poland though.
I remember when I was a kid I bought smoked pig's ears and I thought it's just a weird name for a normal meat product (it looked like bacon cut in pieces). So I thought it's just cheap bacon. Then someone, maybe my sister or mom, told me it's real ears.
Needless to say, I was shocked.
But then again, it tasted ok. A bit too chewy but ok
Everything east of Konin is already Asia so who cares
i have 2 male friends from Lomza and they are both massive degenerates (alcohol and drugs, alcohol and simping)
I not allowed to go there
I come from a town close to Łomża but I'm not degenerated.
Łomża is rather boring desu