/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico

Easy taking edition
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What's meth like?

Fuck that kid in albertan who larps as Acadian.

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Like this

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like having a demon coming up behind you grabbing you by the jaw and sucking the soul out of your mouth

or at least thats what ive heard

I think amphetamines are the only class of drug I’ve never sampled and I don’t really care to


I did not need to see that.

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I've used ritalin and shit but never straight meth

the trick is to always stay one step ahead.

Not that great.
It's hard to think abstract thoughts and you're hyper-focused on whatever is in front of you.


me wants



thread theme

Eagerly awaiting the second spike caused by the "FUCK YOU I WONT DO WHAT THE GUBMINT TELLS ME" crowd

I just want this to be over.

>have been constantly receiving dozens if not hundreds of dumb corona-related emails from large corporations with which i’ve had past dealings
>just received my first We’re Going Outta Business! email
Is it finally happening

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I genuinely hope boomers get eradicated

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mostly just the small businesses run by members of the community that are sinking, the giant evil mega corporations are all thats going to be left


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>tfw remission doesn't guarantee immunity

They’ll figure it out eventually. If you’re not content to be a mindless drone and want upward mobility, the key is to find work that’s not being done and create a job for yourself and pitch it to your bosses. Quick way to find yourself in charge of a team that you created if you can hack it. Find something to do that’s not boring and you’re golden

Hello /cum/

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Good morning catboy user.

Good morning, fren. Have a good night of rest?

Yep, thank you for asking. You?

good morning!

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Preppers get the last laugh after all.

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Can't wait till the food riots begin.


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laughing inside of my fortress made out of sardine tins

You’re welcome. Yes! Had wild dreams all night, was nice.
Hello! Good morning!! :D

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today's time has been passing weirdly fast
i didnt even wake up late
im wondering if alcohol and weed will finally make me manic

or i dunno, im just so used to doing stuff around the house and time passing so slowly
just a weird day

but it did finally rain and it was cooler and tue is my fav day of the week

so..... im wondering if theres something we can...inject directly into the body with these feelings



>im wondering if alcohol and weed will finally make me manic
Aren't you constantly manic?

Miss when I used to make a little fort out of couch cushions. There's gotta be an adult equivalent to that out there.

Hoarding guns and ammunition

Я ввaжaю, щo нинiшня пaндeмiя - цe cпpaвдi хитpий cпociб для eлiти здiйcнити гeнoцид пpoти тaких нaceлeних paйoнiв плaнeти, як Aфpикa. Boни poблять зaпиcи пpo гoлoд, який cтaвcя в paдянcькiй Укpaїнi.

Я ввaжaю, щo вoни викликaють пoмилкoвy пaнiкy, знaючи, щo цe пpизвeдe дo гoлoдy, який cпpичинить мiльйoни cмepтeй y кpaїнaх тpeтьoгo cвiтy.

Building a deck.

not naturally without aids, no
like that'd be nice
extreme highs and lows without paying for anything


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uh oh two of fks fetishes in one video...

I should have bought more firearms

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sitting in your truck

why are translators from english to eastern languages so bad. it's almost like they want to divide