Your thoughts on south america?
Your thoughts on south america?
Western Spain
Western Portugal
It is great and we are a proud south american country
Mexico is not in South America, retard.
We enjoy having frogs in our border
Why does Mexicans always claim they are not South-America? Is it some sort of running joke you have going on?
I can't wait to move there.
Are you a fucking retard?
Basic geography, the autistic ones are macacos and latin America
You're literally south of America, you're south America you brainlets
America is the name of the continent, retard.
I live here
Do not confuse South America with Latin America.
Best comment an amerilard have ever made on Yas Forums
all politicians deserve the rope
It's not, learn geography. I like being lumped together with my southern neighbors, but is not accurate.
>Pls let me in. Franco is going to kill me, noooooo.
>all politicians deserve the rope
Anglo countries = North America
Latinx countries = South America
What's so hard to understand?
You can call it whatever you like in Portuguese, but in English it's Latinx America
Just stop feeding the trolls
>Inb4 soyjack quoting
this mexico is central america
>kill yourself over using gender neutral words!
Why do you care? Brazilians aren't part of Latinx America, but luso America.
No wonder you don't know basic geography, did Reddit not cover that topic today?
Wasted potential
>Brazilians aren't part of Latinx America, but luso America.
Retard. You're either north or south of America. Mexico and company are south of America.
On the contrary, central America is Mexican
t.Geography brainlets
This, ffs thirdies are kinda stupid
> You're either north or south of America. Mexico and company are south of America.
We are not in Antarctica, or you mean The United States? LMAO
Latin America refers to the entirety of Central and South America + Mexico,therefore Brazil is included. But we are not part of Hispano America and the latino concept is related to Hispanics, that's why we are part of Latin America, but not latinos
Thats the spirit! Nobody wants retards like you in the first place
America is the USA, north America refers to Canada, South America refers to the beans south of us
>talking about "thirdies" in third person
>America is the USA, north America refers to Canada, South America refers to the beans south of us
>Feeding the trolls
>Latin America, but not latinos
Maybe in Huezil, for the rest of the world Buenos Aires is the Capital of Brazil
Why are you people denying you're latinx?
What does Antarctica have to do with this? Technically it's part of South America, but it's not populated.
Brown boys seething, can't believe you learned English like some cucks lmao
Based Mexican posting chaves
Reminder that "The Americas" is not a real thing and America is the whole continent
We are as Latino as you are American, now Kys
>talking about "brown boys" in third person
Mexico and Central America aren't South America
Of course
Says who, the part of the Americas that form 12% of its GDP, or the part that forms 80%?
how are you falling for the bait that hard brothers
Look at that map again. There are parts of USA that are more southern than Mexico
i'm just having fun triggering mexicans, yanquis and canadians :)
Learn how to read first, stoopid macaco
Most of Mexico is south of America so are every other latinx countries you dipshit.
If you speak a romance language, you're latino.
Americans have stupid concepts, yes. But what americans think is irrelevant
>Retard. You're either north or south of America. Mexico and company are south of America.
Maybe, but the Latin concept they know only refers to Hispanics,therefore we are not