Why Japanese steal Korean food and name it yakiniku

why Japanese steal Korean food and name it yakiniku
Japs should eat raw fish
because you are barbarian
roasting meat culture in your country never exist

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You have to stop posting anymore.

Do the japanese really ?

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Yakiniku is Japanese food you dumb shit

lol you shuld be fucking ashamed saying that

Korean was barbarian

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Read this entry.
"Japan-Korea: Were Korean Men Cowards during World War II?" Text by Michael Yon

During the war, Korea had a population of about 23 million. Today, Texas has a population of about 26 million.

Imagine trying to kidnap 200,000 Texas women. There would be a bloodbath. The Army would lose thousands of soldiers, and thousands of civilians no doubt would have been slaughtered in return.

Evidence would be everywhere. Photos. Films. Battle sites. Texans would never allow 200,000 women to be stolen and raped without making a river of blood. So President Park is essentially saying Korean men during World War II were a bunch of cowards.

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akshually raw fish is from southeast asia

>barbecue is Korean nida
is there anything else you can be proud of? gook

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if your countries keep fighting , its going to make my pan asian harem awkward

be proud little china who praise chinese characters so much. I know it is because kana is just simplified chinese characters

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Lol they use shit character

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Brainlet. Its called culture/tradition. You will never know because Korea dont have it lol

hangul is korean culture
and you have chinese culture

bbq isnt a food or a recipe. you just grill shit. ooga booga stuff

plus we dont steal it cause it literally has sk nouns.

>hangul is korean culture
Then your history is only 100 years or so, right?

> claiming the exclusive right of grilling the beef

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gooks fear the jomon

What a fascinating invention, like holy shit how did you even think of that?

Like holy shit you take raw fish put it in your toothy holy and that's it? Holy fucking shit that's fucking genius!!!

>believing insect propaganda

>calling someone a gook
>japanese flag
syntax error

Like omg you take fishy stinky and you put it in your movey chewy?? Wtff why haven't people thought of that???

Are you sure you're an eternal beggar?

You're not asking for any reparations

Fuck japen 꺼져라

It's actually a zainichi cuisine in Japan. Not joking.

>why Japanese steal Korean food and name it yakiniku
Yakiniku just means grilled meat though.
The cuisines in menu remain its original Korean names.

gook means korean though
just like chink means chinese and jap/nip means japanese

get over it

East Asian cultures are basically the mix of indigenous cultures and ancient Chinese culture.
The culture doesn't come from nowhere.

Why are there so many Korean bots on this website today?
I thought only China had wumao police

Why are the Koreans still mad at the Japanese for WWII? Japan isn’t mad at the US for nuking and occupying them. Y’all need to get over the past.