Is Duolingo trying to brainwash me?
Is Duolingo trying to brainwash me?
>language learning app
Why are you learning g*rman?
>nooooo, why don't you waste your life on social media/Yas Forums instead of learning foreign elementary language
Ich lerne gern Sprachen
i was referencing the fact that he is using an app instead of a book
nah, btw I am also learning german.
What makes a book better than something that can offer interactive exercises?
Duolinguo is good to start at the very beginning. You can learn quite a lot of vocab using duolinguo and work on the grammar later.
It's the opposite, It's good for learning grammar but you have to expand your sources to learn more vocab.
books are not free
>Using duolinguo to learn the grammar
ayyy lmao.
>books are not free
>He doesn't pirate software and books
Neither books nor apps are sufficient in themselves. You need someone to practice with.
Obviously. But it's a start.
Their exercises are perfect for getting a feel for the grammar structure of a language.
How am I supposed to practice with someone if I am just getting started with learning a language and don´t know shit yet? Also you can´t do that anytime
I don't want to hate white people but they are the ones forcing this bullshit to the rest of the world, and no, don't blame da juice, you fucking trannies
If you do some digging on any of these so-called "whites" you're be amazed by (((what))) you find
>Obviously. But it's a start.
Yeah I'm not hating at all, it's a start :)
Just remember to do some more fitting exercises. I can really recommend making your own sentences from the words your currently learning.
Making your own sentences is basically one of the most important aspects of actually learning a language. When you do this, you're practicing both the grammar and the vocabulary. It's great.
There are lots of websites for language exchanges. You could also just hookup someone on Yas Forums and ask for their discord. It's not that hard.
Clearly the ring is trying to subvert you to preserve it. It serves one master. It must be destroyed.
I don't understand people who say 'yeah just talk to people' when my vocabulary consists of yes no and maybe
I don't feel so bad about pirating the premium version now
>nnnooo you can't use both!
this is such a quintessential american post
anyways, nothing wrong with duolingo or a book but you need more to go beyond amateur level
Ich kenne, ich schreibe manchmal im /deutsch/ Fäden
So much propaganda in Duolingo.
*Ich weiß, ich pfostiere manchmal im /deutsch/ Faden
lesbianism/female homosexuality isn't real
bisexual women are straight women who pretend to like women for social reasons. actual lesbians are heterosexual women, either scorned or just femcel, who essentially crossdress as men and simulate heterosexual relationships as a form of prison sexuality.
only men can be truly homosexual.
Und verstehen sie dich?
I noticed that there are tons of brown/ black/ muslim characters in the french duolingo course
danke freund
These apps are all a total waste of time.
Do yourself a favour.
Instead of wasting countless hours using these worthless things, go on the internet, download your favourite TV show or movie in the language you want to learn, download subtitles in English and there you go.
Duo is globohomo by default. They have to have all this "propaganda" to appeal to everyone. If all muslims say when learning Swedish was white people they might get turned off from it, which would cause Duo to lose money. They know the majority of whites don't care and if they speak out Duo can just call them racists and supremacists.
Ja, sie machen
becoming gay is an environmental thing. for both men and women, it's dependable on the things they experience at very young age
a kid being jealous that his group of friends are close to each other but forget about him, yet not bothering to try and play the "masculine game". girls hating men for a reason then feeding that hate growing up. a kid being raised by a single mother in a house with mostly females and a lack of a male image to inspire him, then later finding that the figure of the man and what represents it to peek his curiosity witnessing another guy and the drastic difference from what he's accustomed to in his household all this time
anyways, it's a myriad of little and complex things that "molds" the brain. you're not born gay but your environment shapes your sexuality very early on and whatever it is the outcome, it's too heavily ingrained growing up for you to have any choice in it later on (tho they say with a strong will and renunciation to engage in sexual thoughts for a long period of time may "correct" a person of their perversions)
I agree. Tried it once, it just gives you a false sense of learning.