I am 25 years old and
Never had sex
Never kissed
No friends since 6 years
No driver's license
Never went to a party
Never got drunk
174cm short
10cm/4" dick + thin
I am 25 years old and
Never had sex
Never kissed
No friends since 6 years
No driver's license
Never went to a party
Never got drunk
174cm short
10cm/4" dick + thin
What a loser.
Your dick is not 10cm
are you white?
I didn't realize how pathetic i was until realising i check positive on all of these.
ohhh booohoooo, stop being a self pittying loser and make some friends then, who cares
And you keep posting the same thread over and over hoping for things to change miraculously and to try and get some pity, don't forget about that too
>Never got drunk
Just go buy a fifth of vodka.
Yes it is
I will die
>I will die
Not unless you do it daily for twenty years. One time while visiting friends in Wisconsin I had a handle (1.75L) in about 13-14 hours and woke up in the trunk of a Chevy Trailblazer in the badlands of South Dakota. It's all good fun as long as you don't go into respiratory arrest or choke on your own vomit like Hendrix.
Wow another gamer who is victim of feminism.
do you speak french or dutch?
at least you've got waffles
Just put yourself out there champ *sip*
I'd drink some vodka with you, bro
i asked a blonde cutie for her number and she gave it to me but i was too afraid to text her
How did you approach her?
She commented on a shirt i was wearing and we had a small conversation because it was a shirt i got while on vacation and i asked her at the very end for her number
24 years old
Had sex ( virginity lost 18)
Kissed before ( 18 years old)
Last year of my life has been really shitty and I've disconnected from a lot of Freinds
No drivers license
First party when I was 16
First time drinking was 16
194 cm
17 cm fully erect
Why don't you have a drivers license? It is so easy it literally takes no time I don't understand why it's such an absurd accomplishment on this board.
How do you people get around without driving or not having an ID?
>I am 25 years old and
>Never had sex
>Never kissed
>No friends since 6 years
>No driver's license
>Never went to a party
>Never got drunk
>174cm short
>10cm/4" dick + thin
I Waited till I was 18 to get my g1. Than I left home for university. I pretty much spent every summer away from home in a town where I had no car and relied on public transport... I don't know it just sort of worked out that way
I think your insurance rates are going to be shit as a result. I've gotten my G2 at 17 and then full G and been on my parents insurance ever since until I got my own car, u need to do that to build insurance history.
I've gone on dates and they always either forget or don't show up.
One girl brought her friends along without telling me and was talking about Communism during it.
I wanted to die, violently.
A qt girl matched me on Tinder, what now?
She will either stop responding or never reply.
They're inundated with hundreds of men trying to get with them. You'll be drowned out quickly.
All I want is a gf like this. Is that so much to ask.
That's why Bumble is far better
Slightly, but it's still not good.
I told her "I love your cat, I had to tell you".
She laughed and said " my cat is the cutest"
Stop humilliating yourself bro