Do you like vegetables?
I hate vegetables.
Do you like vegetables?
I hate vegetables.
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These memes are usually shit but this made me laugh my ass off
Thank you, user
subhuman. Food is for nutrition first; pleasure is a distant second.
Heavily depends.
There are vegetables that are tasty on their own.
>potatoes, carrots
There are vegetables that add flavor to other dishes, but aren’t really THAT good on their own. Without those it’s impossible to make a good dish.
>tomatoes, peppers of any kind, onions of any kind, all kinds of greens aside from lettuce, garlic of any kind
There are acceptable vegetables, you can eat them, but adding them doesn’t make anything better
>lettuce, cabbage, eggplant, radish
And there are horrible abominations no human can derive enjoyment from
>cucumbers, asparagus, beetroot and practically everything that isn’t mentioned
cringe, eat your veggies Perka
>I hate vegetables.
Figures. Children have shit taste and only like sweet things. Vegetables are delicious.
Kid Chad can subsist entirely off of cereal and candy and still grow up to be tall with broad shoulders and a narrow waist.
>Figures. Children have shit taste and only like sweet things. Vegetables are delicious.
Yes I like all vegetables because I'm not a manchild with a baby palate.
Don't @ me or i'll insult you
Yes. The best salad i ever ate was a mix of vegetables, mushrooms and real yogurt.
generally yes, but I don't like pumpkin, Brussels sprout and eggplant
I love vegetables, my favorite are probably brussel sprouts
I used to hate them, I love most of them now.
Europoor in disguise
I dont like most vegetables
With a few exceptions like leafy green and tomatoes and avocadoes
hmmmmmmm............... sorry sweety but you see hum...... tomatoes....... they're fruits :) not vegetables :)
Based, but add peas and salads to tier 1
I love onions so much
Onions can be eaten on their own. I eat yellow onion by itself all the time
unironically though not liking more than 1 or 2 vegetables shows an extremely childish palate
I love brocolli
I imagine you as this obese murrikan who starts crying when presented a brussel spourt.
I put way too much garlic and onion in my food. A friend of mine complained about it and I started cussin the shit out of him. Needless to say that I charged him a fair price for the meal
>Doesn't drink cucumber water
>Doesn't enjoy asparagus with stake
yeah i think vegetables taste great, not on their own usually though
i think you mixed up first and second, peppers and onions are used exactly because they add so much to other tastes, while potatoes are boring as fuck and don't add much to anything
>that will be 1.35€ for the potatoes with onions and garlic please
continental cucumbers are breddy gud
I want to marry tradwife then mindbreak her and turn her into a degenerate crackwhore. And yeah, I like vegetables.
you won't be able to buy any vegetables
I used to hate vegetables but that was only because my parents used to be shit at preparing dinner and only gave us raw vegetables. I hated carrot until i was 17 because i had never had it cooked and raw carrot made me think that it would still be shit even if cooked.
raw carrot is a nice snack though
Why not?
too bitter for my tastes but i'll eat it if it's cooked
I've always thought it is a vegetable.
Dont tell me cucumber and squash are fruits too haha