If they went to war tomorrow, who would win?

With no other nations involved of course.

I pick UK because it has more carriers.

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UK would win and anything else is cope. Ask again in 10 years though and the answer will likely be different.

There used to be this website where you can select countries and they'll list total army personnel, reserves tanks, aircrafts, etc. Don't think it exists any more.

I doubt either could occupy the other, but otherwise UK definitely. China's navy is all shitty little rowboats and one rustbucket Ukrainian carrier.

The UK can control the sea but will never be able to do anything on land because china will simply zerg rush them

Also UK uses F-35s. China is probably still using cold war migs.

>carriers deciding the outcome of a war
Top kek

UK won't be able to do anything on land or in the skies. The royal navy is liable to be sunk by cruise missiles. It's a stalemate as the UK would refuse to land in China, but british subs keep the Chinese coast locked down.

China is using Russian copied like the J-7 (mig 21) and J-11 (su 27). I am pretty sure they do not have much company experience either.

Depends on the objective of the war

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China is the only other country with Gen 5 fighters that aren't just cheap scrapheaps like the new Sukhois.

Chinese J-20 as are likely shit. They still rely on Russians to make the jet engines, Russian jets are far superior to both Chinese and American hardware.

If China turned it's entire economy into a warbased machine it could crush the entire NATO desu

Buck-teethed anglo gargoyles would never admit they'd get reamed by BCD (Big Chinese Dick). Their ego can't handle the possibility.

>Russian jets are far superior to American and Chinese hardware
Show me the proofs. Real life examples, not propaganda metrics.

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no lol

>Russian jets are far superior
>to American hardware
Let's not get stupid. There's nothing in Russia that compares to this.

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yes lol

Careful, you'll trigger the "MUH BUDGET" roving band of retards

What time period do you think we are living in? This isn’t the 1980s anymore, China is no longer a third world country and would easily crush anyone (other than the USA) in a war. Why do you even think our tiny apathetic island would stand a chance against all 1 billion of those fanatic bugmen

Russian jets are cheaper and more rugged so require less maintenance. American jets are just scams for defence companies, the F-35 program has cost over a trillion, and it has still it seem action.

I bet on China

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Are these niggas for real
China's economy is 5 times bigger than of the UK
They would probably rape everyone except for America

1 billion untested soldiers aren't going to win against hardened SAS.

I hope Germany buys F-35 instead of F-18 for the Tornado replacement
buying F-18 now would be stupid

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>nooo you can't be tolerant think of the Yas Forumsfagerinos!!!
they can still shoot you you know

Simply only because of the threat british subs would pose to the coast, like I had said. China has no hard counter to that.

That being said, there's nothing else you could do to China. If you were forced into a ground war you'd get your shit pushed in.

Hell, if we were forced into a ground war we'd probably get our shit pushed in unless we left immediately after accomplishing strategic objectives.

How about Germany just makes its own stuff, instead of buying American junk?

Global firepower but thats meaningless number crunching. Acoording to that site NK has the worlds strongest navy

UK could have staging bases in Korea or Japan if we sweet talk them. China has no such place in Europe to do this.

Sas is special forces dude they have like 2k of them

Maybe hold out for the F-15X.

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China don't wage wars

>they can still shoot you
I'm sure they can, they however won't be much pleasured being shot at themselves.

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Yes that includes the 14 prototypes