
heh heh edition

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Where are the bones?


Look like Oscar has some kind of announcement to make

scotland is just north england

Have 1 can of san miguel which i will drink tonight and then off the beers from tomorrow in a desperate attempt to prevent kindling

wank thread so far

rate the new ink lads

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Corbyn hijacked the Labour Party it was supposed to be about big business

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not it

Times of terror and deepest misery may be in offing. But if any happiness at all is to be extracted from that misery, it can be only a spiritual happiness, looking backward toward the conservation of the culture of earlier times, looking forward toward serene and stalwart defense of the things of the spirit in an age which otherwise might succumb wholly to material things.

last one in

really sends a message about people who have tattoos tbf

Dunno why people mock this "hahah all these angry people are virgins" thing. Desiring to breed seems to be the one thread that connects all living creatures. makes sense they go loopy if they couldn't do it

imagine turning your own body into one of those data 1990s 'mind fuck' .jpgs

holy shit lmao

when two tribes go to war

who is centre left?

Why's it always niggas who can't grow a beard that try so hard to grow one?


why do tattoo freaks never think about how this will look when they're elderly


Little known war criminal Anthony Charles Lynton Blair

Rorke petitioning for Poundstretchers to be re-opened

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Sure. Molyneaux cracked the code
That's why Paul Joseph Watson had a meltdown. He's a vain narcissist who can't get close to a woman long term

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he can’t keep getting away with it

I can't and don't care.. reddit shit, plus would hide my gigajaw

isnt this guy married? also why did you post it twice?

Uganda be kidding me

Why would a homosexual want to be with a woman?

Poundstretchers is good. They have russian 355ml cans of monster on for 39p

Based gay sex orgy

swiss be kidding me

I've noticed you got a few loose tiles up on your roof like. Danger hazard that is. Could kill yer neighbor or someone walking by. I can put a ladder up and fix em for yas, for 500 notes like.

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