How are Turks viewed in your country?
How are Turks viewed in your country?
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We don't really have many stereotypes about them, other than they all dress in a certain way and work in kebab shops or barbers
most people dislike Erdogan and his supporters
racists dislike Turkish immigrants
normal people don't have a problem with normal Turkish immigrants
All turks born after 1993 can’t cook… all they know is mcdonald’s , charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual , eat hot chip & lie
There's a dualistic view on your people. Usually you're associated with wild dirty muslims who beat their women and have 7 wives. On the other hand there are many rich Turkish tourists (probably sex-tourists) who come here regularly and don't cause much troubles
Most are not normal.
The dutch people love turks.
You mean these people? They're our brothers, of course!
we don't talk about them. They mostly live in remote areas
We mostly got the decent, educated Turks. As a result, we don't really have the same contempt for them that the Germans and the Dutch do. They generally keep to themselves and are always either white-collar professionals, or kebab shop owners.
There aren't really any stereotypes about them here.
Why do they support erdogan
like that pepe
he uses rhetoric which appeals to bydlo
not as bad as arabs
Because he is based.
Can I come to your country and fuck local women?
Our women love them
Please come fuck my gf it's so hard to find a BVLL these days
How do you tell apart abdullah from abdullah
All the local turkish women will lust for your kebab vendor salary.
I would prefer not to admit it, but yes, you can
>normal people don't have a problem with normal Turkish immigrants
Allesamt Volks- und Vaterlandsverräter
I don't believe you, that's all
What is budlo
>they're the ones the anzacs fought at Gallipoli right?
Wtf Germany I thought we were friends
Fuck you. I bet you're a Slav
aRE you the same person who didnt know spede yesterday