/v4/ + friends

I need a job edition.

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first for anime

Second for again Manolo needs a job guys tell me what to do I'm going to starve otherwise.

Teach people English online. My friend who dropped out of uni did that.

do some freelance codemonkeying

suck cock


me give job too

me too please

all anticommunist people + people from countries who hate communism are subhumans

any jobs near border? maybe it would be faster to just commute to slovakia bardejov stara lubovna

>implying Manolo can actually code

i want communism so i neet forever with 0 work

i care not about money, i just want to slack off. slacking off is my biggest hobby.

Russians surpassed westoids during space race, you ignorant fucking cretin.

>femoid in space

You are a sub-human Incel piece of shit, and a fucking retard.

Attached: Le space race.png (1920x4077, 1.01M)

come to finland to pick and plant crops please
The usual planefull of chinks didn't show up and strawberry farmers are panicking. Some even enough to pay almost human wages. I'm hoping to start next month.

I am an incel.

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Will you take me in? I don't want to live with other seasonal workers in old abandonded warehouses.

>tfw manolo will starve to death
very sad

don't think there are much jub offers with the lack of tourists in such places

how do you pronounce "zloty"? (the l has to have the thingie)

There's an attractive job offer for making garages but 60km away and I dont have a car.

still doable if there is a direct train connection

the "Ł" makes the same sound as "W" in English

There are no connections.

zwotuh nevermind
zwoteh would be one of the plural forms, for 2, 3 and 4
for larger amounts it's zwotuh-kh

The only halfway sane female I have met in my life is my paternal grandmother.


no chance then

I've walked or ran 231 kms this April so far.

I wish I could codemonkey.

New Zealand if offering asylum to LGBT Hungarians, because Orban is an evil fascist who wants to kill all gays.
If you are Hungarian, here is your chance to move to NZ free, just pretend to be a gay who is persecuted by the government.

lmao gay animals

i wanna see them move to nz when there are no planes flying lolololol stupid fags

Business idea: free Poland of matriarchal oppression and fly all women to New Zealand. The country will become a utopia at once.

i don't really give a fuck about dead children but i still support abortion-bans because they make roasties seethe lmao