
Eagrán filíocht.

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Éirigí suas agus coinnigh an snáithe beo.

Cá bhfuil gach duine?


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>Máel Sechnaill mac Máele Ruanaid after seeing how the Irish were exterminated to 1% of the population

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>one chance at life
>born just in time to see the downfall of humanity

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Sure we had a good run.

it's just a flu bro

we wernt doing much away


just want this shit to end


because I'm tired of living in perpetual fear that I'll die a virgin

he's a seething normalfag


It's amazing the words that come back to you despite having not seen them since you did the Leaving Cert.

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Tá sé tar éis 5pm. Beidh sé beo anois.

Why is that such a concern for you?

still got a long way to go but I never know where I'm really standing at cuz when I post em at brit anglos don't give af
pls r8?

>"Fifty-nine more people have died after being diagnosed with Covid-19, the Department of Health has said."
>"The Department of Health has also announced there have been 299 more confirmed cases of the virus, meaning 19,947 people have been diagnosed with Covid-19."
No chance of restrictions being lifted to any significant degree next week at this rate.

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we have just release a new coin called Cronos Coin. there are over 15M coins allocated for airdrop, you can join the airdrop here: cronosoin.org

i can see your glow from over here

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I've never understood the glow meme. Why are the likes of the CIA associated with glow?

rip Terry A Davis

Why can't people just obey the restrictions? It's not hard to do what you're told when there's a good reason for doing so.


most people are

>Nordies coming down over the border and coughing all over us

Protestants, up to no good as usual.

>Coronavirus us a unionist plot regain control of Northern Ireland and weaken the Irish state

>"...hens, which lay eggs."
Thanks RTÉ News.

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