Why is European feeding and saving Poland???
Why is European feeding and saving Poland???
why do people keep posting this shit find a data of 2020 not of 2017
Where’s data of 2020
They do it so the shitty polish can brag about not being a massive shithole,even though they still a shithole.
Poland has overtaken Germany as the EU's premiere economy
this :)
data for 2020 doesn't exist yet, can't find any for 2019 either, the closest one i found so far is from 2018
I was for staying in the euro untill this graph, fuck this ponzi scheme
Yes you idiot but your corporations get free access to our markets to rape us
reparations for ww2
germany still owes us couple more trillions tho
Soon :)
I'm gonna make sure we leave
If Italy and France leave there is no Euro left only Germany paying a bunch of ungrateful slavs
I hope we leave. The EU only benefits Eastern Europe and especially G*rmany.
based NEETchads
Based italians and frogs helping slavs develop so they can help Russia buttfuck Europe
the seeds of the conflicts still sprout on the European soil, they will soon be bathed in the blood of a new trench war
Because we are nice people
>t. frog
fuck off then. brownies and blacks aren't Europeans and never will be
This. Thank you EU for giving us the chance to get beaten to death by our German overseers while we pick the aspargus! Praise the EU!
dude you are the nigger here, getting free stuff off from other people work giving zero to none effort to act with decency plus the fact that you don't even realize how big of a nigger you are it's pottery
Lmao krauts in EU are like China in Africa, they pay for you to be a slave. Congrats hans, it's working
That is not true. We are all equal European citizens
>sesonal flu happens
>cry because italians are niggers who dont understand how quarantine works
>somehow it's eu fault
literally nigger tier blaming whites
don't care
didn;t ask plus you're nafri
just give more gibs and stop whining about your own faults
your "country" didn't contribute anything to humanity since fall of Rome
EU is just one giant subsidy for french agricultural industry dude
>subsidy for french agricultural industry
This is literally the only reason why Macron stopped attacking Poland. He realized that both France and Poland want as much eurogibs for agriculture as possible and if both representations join together they have enough votes to push legislation.
So bretty based imho
polen just released the statistics for 2020
everyone needs to APOLOGIZE
This is why we need the EU to become a federation.
The con-federative system that we have now is insufficient.
>implying that they would help germs
EU will end before they start paying anything back
>why is the european union giving aid to a country they abandoned to the wolves like 3 times in 100 years
no, poles love us and would help us if we were in need