Why are russians like this?
Why are russians like this?
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ayy golddiggers be golddiggers
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>they scare me too, but it makes me even more attracted to them
>they are the black men of white people testosterone turned all the way up
Run Russians run. Black women won't stop until they have all of you. Literally.
Based Chadislav keeping a bitch in check.
Damn, now I was I was an eastern euro
Based ass fuck
i wish i was*
quite literally
Thank you for your flag
>No wonder Hitler hated them so much. Look at the size of those massive peens!!!
>scandinavian men too liberal for my taste
This just further proves Black women look for in white men what they have in black men. They want to be with white men, who have similar conservative values as Black men. Surprisingly, though a lot of your black women vote democrat they seem to be right leaning often in other ways and despise crazy dyed hair leftist
No-no-no. We don`t need them, take them back.
gib kveen
no you don`t
kek, whats the site?
so i have a small dick and the more i read the more i think that "size doesn't matter" is a meme. i also have small hands. Guys say it doesn't matter but will subconsciously be happy to have their size (if it's a good size). Women will say it doesn't matter but will be grateful that their boyfriend is big. Someone just say it already, is it over? I wanna fucking move on I need to stab myself enough with these blackpills to become immune to the sting of my fate.
So he wasn't going to be her bitch?
>even russian man considered "too manly" in west
how fucked up is the west exactly?
Where's BLACC CVEEN @?
lsa, xes section where black women talk about interracial experiences, "spill tea" amongst each of said men, and lust after white or any other race of the day/week as well as post lewds of said groups and lust some more.
Voting for handouts from white people while supporting the backwards views of their own people is not surprising at all for minorities in the west.
>in fact American of Russian origin
>"Valhalla" girl
>in fact she's a person of color
Too ridiculously to discuss even considering that we are at 4ch/int.
Woah there, don't be racist. Valhallans are black now.
They (women) do admit the truth sporadically, but you're not allowed to pay much mind to it. It is even less appropriate to take even a modicum of issue with it, lest you be branded a misogynistic perma-virgin.
so my role as a small dick is to betabux a girl looking for a betabux when she feels like it ? i have no say or i am not desired ? very well
russians based
based on testosterone
wtf is that website?
lol just don't leave the proper sections as then it just becomes an extension of normie black twitter complete with orange man bad, muh racisms, muh oppresshunz, muh white privilege etc
Well, at least there some women out there who like Russian men. We Brazilian men are desired worldwide.
Russian women are sluts and golddiggers and the man thought that he would elude this by acquiring non-russian gf. This went false and his dreams shattered, butthurt as a result
I'm pretty sure white men of any and all kind will always be preferred to a brazilian, especially a brown one.
The phrase "built like a Russian" in Punjabi means ultramasculinity. This was after the Russians humiliated the Germans in World War 2 and many Punjabi soldiers saw it happen.
Ogga booga
It's funny that Russians are considered masculine because I used to assfuck them all the time and they moan like girls.
>Russian women are sluts and golddiggers
and why do my russian gf says "i never date russian boys they're unfaithful" all the time?