Poland needs to be invaded. It is the only language they understand. Poland enjoys liberation. Don't let them tell you otherwise, because they are notorious liars and don't know their own minds. Polish people want to be held down and liberated hard. They want to be made to cry and scream "oy vey". Polish people have a biological imperative to be liberated. Did you know that poles who were liberated are twice as likely to conceive as country who have unprotected borders? It is a fact. Poles who are liberated often have orgasms as well - some polish woman have never had an orgasm in their lives save for a rape by a german or a soviet soldier. The desire to be geographically dominated is deeply programed into the poles. This is a fact of evolution that cannot be denied without poles becoming unbalanced. Polish independece is really just an outward manifestation of an internal problem with modern poles. These 'polish nationalists' desperately want to be put in their place. That's why they act out so much and are so belligerent. Whether they know it or not, subconsciously they want to piss russians and germans off and get men to make them submit. They want to be invaded, told to shut the fuck up, and then install the russian tzardom with german autobahns until they can't stand up. This is what poles really want. I say we give it to them.
Poland needs to be invaded. It is the only language they understand. Poland enjoys liberation...
Say no more!
ale nasraĆ
I want to see a united Eastern Europe where there is no discrimination, no sadness, no hopelessness. A place full of happiness and opportunities. Hence, a joint Eastern European bloc under Russian leadership.
>united Eastern Europe where there is no discrimination, no sadness, no hopelessness. A place full of happiness and opportunities.
>joint Eastern European bloc under Russian leadership
Around Rus never get loose
>Courage, art, and futility are intimately related for Poland. The Poles expect to be betrayed, to lose, and to be beaten. Their pride was in their ability to retain their humanity in the face of catastrophe
jannys gonna FREAK
oh no no looks like someones gonna have to clean this up for free
>Poland - Slavs
>Poles - Slavs
>Polish - Slavic
text corrected.
>thread is still up
janny's slipping
check the sadness statistics in russia, it could be renamed to sadnessia
I'm actually here, just waiting for polish twinks ;)
Why not banned for janny?
The same is forbidden in / int /
Fucking nuke that shithole, then nuke it again to be sure and then pour salt all over that shithole and annex every inch
why are there so many threads about Poland today
>Russian leadership.
it's an Yas Forums thing
janny brought his friends
a meme country for a meme board
sounds based to me
t. macaco
~10 threads about Poland in the catalog. it's more than the usual 3-4 threads about Poland
Poland is interesting country with fascinating history and culture. Poland is worth discussing
T. British toilet uncoggler. Stop larping as first world and leaching o Merkel titties shitty mongrel.
don't you have field to plough kalmyk
Kek, why does le monky meme make janny enraged? It seems to be the nice meme, with all its irony towards bootlicking patriots and people without self-awareness.
he is probably fan of putin
fans of erd*gan would also do the same
politics destroy people's mind
I wonder what will happen if you show jenny to our sunny president.
He'll probably turn himself into a monkey. Funny shit.
poland is shithole and should be glassed*