White people think Japanese people is ugly?
I’m 26 year old Japanese man.
I think myself ugly and I think Japanese people is ugly and inferior ethnicity.
White people think Japanese people is ugly?
>White people think Japanese people is ugly?
>I’m 26 year old Japanese man.
>I think myself ugly and I think Japanese people is ugly and inferior ethnicity.
I really want to hear the opinions of white people.
Japanese shut up
me not white
pls go back david
Cringe. Please commit sudoku, soy like you doesn’t deserve life in Japan
>I really want to hear the opinions of white people.
>Japanese shut up
Real humans are white people.
Asians are yellow monkeys and half animals
Shut up leaf
my yellow monkey jap face
Please Laugh as much as you like
I'm a fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Schwarzenegger is my hero.
I watched all Schwarzenegger movie.
When I was in high school, I trained for strong muscle men like Schwarzenegger.
But Asians have limits and can't be like him I regret that I was born Japanese.
Japanese blood is a shame.
>davido-kun calling other a davido-kun
stop hating yourself, be proud of your heritage
Good looking!
How about dress in a suits have 10 companies and become ubermensch?
>Good looking!
>How about dress in a suits have 10 companies and become ubermensch?
You are good at flattery and jokes.
Btw I’m Blue collar
Nice proxy, Kim
Go back to /r/Japan.
i dont think thats a good idea.
Japanese blood is ugly and inferior and shameful.
>I really want to hear the opinions of white people
My opinion is I lose respect for you when I read things like this thread
Japanese and Korean are the same yellow monkeys
Whatever makes you sleep at night, Kim
Naturally Asians are not respected.
Asians are white slaves and subordinate yellow monkeys
Arnold Schwarzenegger, which I respect, is also of German descent.
I respect you in German blood.
I think German people is most beautiful and strong great ethnicity.
The pot calling the kettle black
I think Western Europeans (English, Irish, German, Scandinavian, Afrikaans) are the most beautiful people. I think Western Europeans are the most beautiful race among white people. Most of the overseas celebrities and supermodels are of German descent, and those with blond and blue eyes are the most beautiful and attractive.
The standard of beauty is basically whiteness. Asians only have dark brown eyes and black hair. High height and long limbs are ideal.
I want to marry a white woman in the future. White women are the most beautiful and attractive. I love white women.
You smell weird, but you're not ugly. You smell like soy beans or some other plant-based foodstuff.
I love this mushroom man I saw him everywhere in Japan
shut up you chinese insect and collect grease from your face and fry street food
>I want to marry a white woman in the future. White women are the most beautiful and attractive. I love white women.
Gaijin women are like beasts compared to Japanese girls
Japanese TV is ugly, vulgar and low level.
Suitable for the country of ugly yellow monkeys
That jomon is really trying to show up
>english women
hahahaha tell me you're joking
In Japan, not only human beings, but also food is ugly and tasteless.
I think Italian food is the most delicious and beautiful
yellow monkey jap face
Please Laugh as much as you like
The face of a Japanese person is a joke
have you ever met an english woman
Japanese women are childish and stupid and strange.
Israel has hot women like Gal Gadot
I saw a lot of British women in Hollywood movies since I was a kid.
The English people are the strongest and perfect peoples who have never lost a war