Japanese convenience store chain Lawson is being accused of being anti-Japan and facing boycott after they added Korean labeling to their store-brand products. When Korean convenience store chain CU added Japanese labeling to their products back in 2015, there were no such protests there. Why is Japan like this?
pic related - one such product with Korean labeling added
they did boycott to mcdonalds for autistic reason too but i don't remember why
Ayden Flores
Lmao Korea is getting relevant day by day meanwhile Japan is getting irrelevant day by day. Japs are getting butthurted about the fact that their nation isn't same as back in 80's Japan or something Hahaha they didn't gave fuck about Korea back is 80's but now in 2020, they are getting butthurted about everything of Korea
Jeremiah Sanders
Good. Why would a japanese store have things written in hangul?
Ryan Campbell
Same reasons why an Anglo country has things written in French.
Jack Foster
This. All the smart nihonjins are learning Korean, in preparation of becoming comfort women.
Nathaniel Murphy
>noo you can't say white bread in korean
meanwhile IRL: Korean BVLLS are fucking every walking J-Slut and sissy tiny jappy manlets can't do shit about it
William Ward
I have a Samsung TV. Can I have a free K-gf?
Jaxon Morgan
I get mad when I see labeling in French. Fuck Quebec ruining shit for everyone.
Ayden Parker
Is it true that Korean girls lips taste like Japanese dick?
literally nobody gives a shit about it. 100 twatter faggots represent japanese and unlike mutts taking anything twatter seriously they have no influence on society
Eli Cox
lol shut up and go dance some merengue you discount spic
Ryan Moore
based korea
Ethan Johnson
I've never seen it.
But who cares? that bread using english too. We don't even speak english...
what purpose to learning korean... japanese don't emigrate to Korea.
Jayden Rogers
*dont represent*
Tyler Perez
Modern Japanese is like 75% English loanwords but you guys suck at English like a nigga wouldn't believe
Landon Rodriguez
>Korean BVLLS hey get a load of this retard, lol. you wish, but history always tells the opposite. deal with it, you weakling.
Korean media is far superior to Japanese. And they make better electronics. Many Jap girls are unironic Koreaboos and can't wait to drop Taro the instant a superior Kim even.glances at her
Brody Wilson
its always so funny to see how desperately chinese and japanese and koreans all hate each other and no one else can even see the difference between them probably the same with how in balkans we all hate each other and no one outside can tell us apart lmaoooo
Noah Williams
>On October 25, 1900( Dokdo day), the Emperor Kojong(고종황제) has stated ' Daehan Empire Imperia Order No. 41' saying Dokdo is Korean territory. How will Japan EVER recover?
Carter Parker
we dont have diaspora and our own shills stop forcing your shitty narrative. the composition isnt that simple.
Noah White
>oohh ouch no prease it make such a big burny ouch ouch mr america prease ensrave me i want to become a colony
Finland has Swedish language translation on all signage and official documents. This is because Finland was conquered and colonised by Sweden. This is a behaviour of the conquered.
Christopher Ortiz
True fingol pride.
Jonathan Baker
>korean media that's not reason to learning korean.
japan have thing for American movie,music and love hawaii.
But we don't learn english.
Carson Murphy
what happened to this nigga's hand?
Charles Lopez
same but with portuguese
Tyler Cox
never heard that before, does anyone mention that there're some consumers among Koreans and Chinese?
Jack Baker
Because jap suffer from swarm of lunatic rightwind fuckers They still see Japan as superpower And they look down on China Korea as inferior state
Aiden Cooper
>gook superior to anything lol, sorry history always says you are conquered weaklings. Korea's history is a saga of cuckery, there's nothing to be proud of.
>According to "朝鮮暴徒討伐誌", a record of the headquarter of the Japanese military force stationed in Korea, there were 31,245 anti-Japanese “rioters” in 1908 alone, and the Japanese military killed at least 17,779 of them from 1906 to 1911. Unable to fight the Japanese army head-on, the Korean Righteous Army split into small bands of partisans to carry on the War of Liberation in China, Siberia and the Baekdu Mountains in Korea.
The Righteous Armies Wars (unofficial Japanese-Korean war): Japanese deaths: 136 Korean deaths: 17,779
Japanese were so dumb and inferior they just put together all their money to import Chad Koreans so they can teach them culture. Without Korea there would be no Japan.
Leo Jones
translate pls
or actually translate the image and have it beside it so whenever you post, people will know what you're talking about
Nathan Morgan
Hey stop it already, it's just a matter of time before gook losers LARP as GIs, and spam "Muh Stronk Murica!" "We Beat Japs!" pics to cope. lol
Charles Murphy
Korean-Japanese rivalry seems fucking hilarious. Even Ukrainians and Russians don't hate each other this much despite we're having an actual war.
Japanese is disgusting mixed Face is yayoi Body is jomon Yayoi have disgusting face and relatively Chad body Jomon have international gaijin face and midget and stink Jap pick up each inferior element
Camden Wilson
triggering japs is so easy now days, it isn't fun anymore
As an American tourist, I love how gooks rely 100% on american picture kicking nip ass. Imagine being so low t cuck, you rely on other's success to cope. Meanwhile nip post their ancestors with chopped gook heads.
Ethan Johnson
Gook language makes me get goosebumps, fucking disgusting!
Jace Morales
stop larping
Samuel Clark
sadly true they open the copypasta folders and sperg out so easily these days
Luke Peterson
That's empire of Korea's 41st act that says Dokdo belongs to Korean Empire
Jonathan Lopez
>gooks rely 100% on american picture lol so fucking true.
Sweden has things written in Finnish, Norwegian, Danish and Swedish. It's because the companies ship to all Nordic countries and doesn't want to waste money on separate packages.
But Koreans can't. because Korea had been other country's servant for thousand years.
Joshua Jones
It's fun to watch. The Korean posters seems like there's quite a few of them. The Japanese one is one guy spamming and larping. In some of the threads, other Japanese posters tell him to call them (in Japanese) but he never responds back in Japanese. I don't browse the "learn Japanese" threads, so I don't know what they actually think of him there.