How do you say Tiananmen Square Massacre in your language?

how do you say Tiananmen Square Massacre in your language?

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il massacro di piazza Tienanmen

What massacre is that? You'd think I'd heard of it if it happened


Very cool, now put them up somewhere closer to Chinamen

La masacre de la plaza de Tiananmen

why do I feel a little bad for the old guy

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In my language it called reddit


based czechs

What is so fucking bad about that massacre?
Chinks didnt put up with amerishart and western bullshit and now rule the world
unlike other lesser nations of eastern europe
a few dozen dead cia agitators and idiotic college students is hardly a massacre, even if it was thousands it was worth it to keep america from conquering china with fake bullshit democracy riots, in a hardline commie country

Bójnia na plóšiadi Tian'an'men'

It's cause he injured his wrist shooting too many students from Taiwan after the war.

Ok that's pretty fucking based

Tavallinen päivä taivaallisella aukiolla

>*drops a bomb on a school bus of children in the middle east and blows up a wedding*
>*kills 1 million iraqi from lying about WWD*
>IT'S SO BAD!!!!!
>*slavery, genocide, imperialism, racism, and every other evil
>REMEMBER 1989!!! *drops mic*

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'why would anyone care about massacre specially if they weren't Chinese that happened decades ago if it weren't for politics' Massacre.

Twenty won been deposited on your account.

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reminder that the Tiananmen "protestors" were racists who had been demonstrating for months to expel black African students from Chinese universities

it's just red meat for retard losers. trash need an excuse to hate china and they don't know anything about it so they keep pretending tiananmen is a big deal. they're trying to hype it into holocaust tier shit for subhumans to screech about

>retard goes and stands in front of a tank
>gets run over

How many Chinese tourists go to Czech Republic a year? Where would they go that you'd have the most of them see it?

wtf i love them now

what happend? in the past czechia was one of the biggest chinese cucksuckers in the eu, and now this?

Massakern på himmelska fridens torg.

The westoids are still butthurt that they failed to take China down in a spiral of chaos and misery like they did with the USSR
The Chinese saw right through the CIA plot at Tiananmen, ran over their agents with tanks and started making adjustments to their economic system in a controled way (much to the westoid dismay)

How many Chinese visit the Czech Republic anyways?


Is Tianmen the Kent State of China?

I'd guess prague like everyone else, old town square

this would be racist in amerimuttland lol thats why mutts are weak as hell and their stuff is garbage.

it's most likely in prague (where all the bugmen go) because the prague mayor hates chinamen and even ended the beijing-prague sister city agreement in favor of taiwan.
he invited a taiwanese delegate and that got china so buttblasted that he said he doesn't accept the one china BS and just told the to fuck off if they don't like it.
china then went boohoo and cancelled the prague philharmonics tour in chinkland

Hah, based Czech

>the prague mayor hates chinamen

What happened?

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broken promises by the chinese if i remember it correctly.