Why is Eastern Europe so poor compared to Western Europe?
Why is Eastern Europe so poor compared to Western Europe?
>stupid westerner based opinion: it's because of communism
>honest unfiltered opinion: poverty was the reason communism arised
Russian (commie) influence
i think for serbia its political corruption
you wouldnt believe the corruption levels, its like some comedic parody movie where a dictator goes around stealing all the money from everyone
institutions are incredibly weak, probably due to low iq in the population
you do know the history of Europe in just broad terms right? the failure of the Soviet regime placed in the states between 1945 and almost up to the new millennium? It takes time to build up the economy again. China might seem big, but it's an result of 40 years of hard work and a favourable position. If you don't have a favourable position, it's way harder.
Poland is (as much as i dislike them right now because of their government) getting really well these days. After a long time in the EU, it's getting from the point in the early days, that western countries hired them for undescirable jobs, to today where they have a decent enough pay in their own country, so fewer and fewer decide it is an attractive option.
then there's geography, political situations and so on and forth.
Doesn't eastern Europeans own their own homes? This map basically shows which countries that rent vs buy rather than liqued wealth.
we need a switzerland here too
east : lazy slavs
south : lazy browns
Only NW Europe is good
And i just realized your map designates states based on wealth per adult. So, if house prices is low, nobody got wealth. that's way on that map, Sweden is worse of than Norway (A cabin in the mauntains cost more than a house in suburban swedish cities right now) And germany worse of than spain and UK
NW= islamized cucks
it's almost like the western side of the continent had access to the ocean so they were able to colonise a rich new continent and establish naval traderoutes which are by far the most profitable froms of trade even today
>before 19th century
ottoman occupation
>20th century
communism and germany killed half of the population, especially in 1st world war
>21st century
nato destroyed every large factory we had with missiles in 1999
>why are you poor
we will never know
America and Europe stole your money and now they owe us.
Smaller peoples organized too late, were opressed by the west for too long
West exploited them as well as people in other continents.
How are the colonialists not ashamed? France, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium etc all have their wealth from the blood of slaves and "trading"
because of the eastern europeans that live there
>west side of the continent: safely far away from major military powers (ottomans, russians, mongols) their entire life, easy access to continents only inhabited by savages that also have vast resources
>east side of the continent: next to major military powers that constantly fight, no access to the oceans
hmm yes it must be the people
>He uses median wealth per adult
>he doesn't use GDP per capita
People often blame communism but I don't think it's the only reason, albeit it is a big one. I've heard theories that they were already falling behind in 18th and 19th century. Most of the countries are landlocked and global trade was done by ships. Doesn't help that there are two big empires very close by that both fall apart.
the political systems literally don't matter, this region was shit during feudalism, it was shit during communism and it's shit during democracy, because it doesn't have any resources, we have a few landlocked forests and frozen tundras
britain, france, america could be communist or feudal and it wouldn't matter, they'd still be rich because they have a lot of resources
the vehicle is literally irrelevant, it's the difference of traveling with mercedes, volkswagen or bmw, but you either have fuel or you don't and then you can start saying that heh you're not getting anywhere because you're using a mercedes instead a bmw like me, when the reality of the matter is just that one person has fuel and the other doesn't
>honest unfiltered opinion: poverty was the reason communism arised
Only in Russia, in other eastern European countries it was forcefully imposed because people knew communism won't improve their life.
we were always poorer since at least Roman times
>as much as i dislike them right now because of their government
what did they do to you?
not in Bulgaria, Albania, Yugoslavia and partly Czechoslovakia
commies democratically or pretty democratically won elections in these countries
>I've heard theories that they were already falling behind in 18th and 19th century
Some were, some not. Czechia was one of the richest and most industrialized regions in Europe before WW1. Hungary was also doing pretty well, even if it was a bit backwards.
Poland was indeed lagging behind but things started to get better before WW1 too.
>britain, france
>lot of ressources
Based magyarbro
Geography most likely because we've been poor since forever.
>as much as i dislike them right now because of their government
Do you guys actually care about this shit? I understand Germany and V4 maybe, but not literally anyone else.
>commies democratically or pretty democratically won elections in these countries
Except in these countries the commies didn't present their real program, they pretended to be moderate socialists until they gained full power through coup d'etats, salami tacists and other illegal acts.
In none of these countries commies would have won if they had told people that they wouldn't be able to run even a small business like a small corner shop.