Why European Union hates Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain when those blue countrys are way poorer than us?
Why European Union hates Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain when those blue countrys are way poorer than us?
we aren't
Cuz you are supposed to be better
They have an excuse for being poor and also pay their denbts unlike southrons
because whoever made that image can't even write english correctly
Because our poverty is a result of external factors (Russia), while southern poverty comes from lavish life for debts.
blue are Germany's servants and dickwashers
Yes yes. It's the external factors.
because laziness is a sin
Of course. Hungary would be as rich as Belgium if not for communism.
*Slavs. Communism failed because it was implemented and ran by Slavs. Look at China, NK or Vietnam. It works there.
>Look at China, NK or Vietnam. It works there.
China and Vietnam are semi-free market economies, no eastern European communist country was allowed to be that liberal economically by Moscow. Yugoslavia opened its market a bit and magically became the wealthiest country in eastern Europe.
NK is a shithole.
Lad it's been quite some time since communism has gone, blame commies for commieblocks and pollution but you're a functioning democracy, blame your current politicians if you're not happy with your country
Most of them are getting rich very quickly another decade and they'll be western europe tier
Communism is formally gone but its impact on the society and legacy still persists. We will need a lot of time until we recover.
because blue countries actually try to civilize, while reds are... just being reds
>but you're a functioning democracy
eeeh, corruption levels in some post-comm countries are still high. It's a different kind of corruption than that we have in Italy, but it's still not very good
>blame your current politicians
they are all children of the communist regime, you dumbass
communism is gone, the communists are still in charge
What the fuck happned to Britian and Ireland?
You must to remember that germany and france hate spain long time ago for the catholic-protentant conflic, so they use any excuse to hate you
>It's a different kind of corruption than that we have in Italy
It's the same.
>the european union
it consists of 27 embers and those countries known as pigs too
you hate yourself?
Ireland needed like 80 years after it liberated itself from the British yoke to become a "western", wealthy and progressive country. How can you expect former communist countries to do much better just after 30 years.
>Any day now
that's a strong word to use. It's not hate, it's a cohabitation that was never meant to be and we must end it
what is hard to understand luigi? there is no evil zog EU, its an appointed body of ALL member states and the prime ministers call the shots
Communism has been gone for almost as long as you were under it
Lol, Slovenian economy is in a much better state than economy of Greece and Portugal. What are you on about?
And? WW2 lasted only for 6 years but its impact on Europe was bigger than 300 years of its previous history. Communism was actually worse than the war.
Because not white. You will always be at the bottom even if you're great, you don't look white and thus euros will always consider you low tier. Just how it is
>muh russia
They're atleast productive. What are YOU doing though Poland?
what does Russia do except for selling oil and gas?
Outinvented your entire country. But on a serious note Oil, Guns, Metals, Diamonds. Supplying around 40% of the energy to Europe. What do you do? Cyberpunk 2077 which still has not come out? You can't even release a game on time
>albanian sense tingling
>But on a serious note Oil, Guns, Metals, Diamonds. Supplying around 40% of the energy to Europe
So basically nothing that depends on their intellectual potential. At least we make cool video games.
inb4 janny deletes the thread and bans me
To be fair poles are doing dirty industrial work. If Germans need polluting factory in Europe , we're too expensive and eco so this shit goes to Poland. Decent amount of heavy machinery there, hence eco problems. Funny how they throw it on communism
Poland's inferiority complex to both Germany and Russia is very entertaining to watch
Russia is in the top 10 scientific output moron.
>way poorer
I really doubt that's the case when South Italy exists
>Decent amount of heavy machinery there, hence eco problems
This is bullshit. Modern factories don't contribute much to pollution, it's mostly our heating system based on coal (which is a communist legacy again)
Portugal is actually poorer than many Eastern European countries.
And poland is below tukey kek
>extractive industry
It's very hard not to be xenophobic against Americans when you're constantly bombarded with bullshit such as this.
You are fucking idiot mate. All of those slav countries lost shitton of young males in WW1 and WW2 and were under communist for 50 years
We have a superiority complex to Russia actually.
And it gives them nothing. When was the last time you've heard about a Russian invention that changed the world?
>Cuz you are supposed to be better
in what alternate universe when we invented the sovereign default?
slavic countries provide cheap labour while the south doesn't, aka germany profits more by exploiting slavs while in the south they profit more by destroying our economy and then loaning us money at high interest rates
They are white while we have arab genes hence cursing us to be poor for all eternity.
Can't wait desu, more people to leech from.
>World War II had more of an impact on Europe than the whole time from the 1640s until 1939.
You can laugh at us but each of you would rather live in Poland than in Russia even if you refuse to admit it openly.
They took us to space. You made Witcher and clean toilets. The fact that you would have the audacity to try and shit on Russians whilst being the #1 diaspora leeches in European countries shitting their nations up with nothing but crime
Whatever you say, now can you stop polluting Morava? We can't turn airflows other way unfortunately.
Exactly, whole cities and nations, historical heritage collected for centuries were wiped off the Earth.
>They took us to space.
Germans took the US to space, Blyadimir.
Ireland got wealthy by turning into a tax haven. This is not replicable, desirable, sane or 'progressive'.
>with nothing but crime
Per capita we're one of the least criminal nations in the west.