I hate tricolir flags

I hate tricolir flags
fucking boring and retarded

Attached: zkX7DLf.png (1382x627, 27.81K)


Attached: ANGL FRWN.png (650x575, 1.43M)

>his cunt's flag requires more than a few bytes in an optimized and minified SVG file due to its stupid and unnecessary complexity
$ for file in *.svg; do echo $file: $(stat -c %s $file) Bytes; done
bg.svg: 260 Bytes
br.svg: 12191 Bytes
cn.svg: 795 Bytes
cz.svg: 421 Bytes
de.svg: 187 Bytes
dk.svg: 216 Bytes
es.svg: 143435 Bytes
fi.svg: 220 Bytes
fr.svg: 256 Bytes
gb.svg: 865 Bytes
gr.svg: 697 Bytes
hu.svg: 271 Bytes
it.svg: 272 Bytes
jp.svg: 438 Bytes
kr.svg: 2276 Bytes
mx.svg: 47425 Bytes
nl.svg: 328 Bytes
no.svg: 285 Bytes
pl.svg: 185 Bytes
pt.svg: 11867 Bytes
ru.svg: 252 Bytes
sa.svg: 15914 Bytes
se.svg: 658 Bytes
sk.svg: 1576 Bytes
th.svg: 255 Bytes
tr.svg: 638 Bytes
tw.svg: 1174 Bytes
us.svg: 5940 Bytes
vn.svg: 485 Bytes

The virgin bandwidth rationers

The chad processor incinerators

OK Pepsi

I always hate the proportion of our flag. It looks so smol

Behold, the true flag of Ireland

Attached: file.png (1200x784, 125.09K)

This would be a better one

Attached: Best flag.png (1643x822, 150.37K)

Never seen so much faggotry in one comment before



both are very gay

this is objectively the best flag on this earth, and you fags can't prove me wrong on that.

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Finland.svg.png (1200x733, 1.76K)

Based. Estonia and maybe Germany have the only good-looking tricolor stripe flags.

our flag is heavy as fuck

Quintessential german post. 10/10

I agree, and Poland is boring, but it's not a tricolour.

It's copied from the other flags, this flag is also the same as the yacht club's in Spb.
The best flag would be UK's and Greece, you are far from beating them

>fr.svg: 256 Bytes

Yeah i think it's absolutely BASED

Yeah, all the other Nordic flags (except swedens) are to stocky and not really rectangular enough.


the virgin tricolour vs the chad quintacolour

Attached: 1574732603881.png (1200x750, 19.77K)

>2^8 bytes
The holy land, blessed by the numbers themselves.

They all miss the blue color, if you know what I mean


a fucking cross

oh no

Attached: a05b6209.jpg (398x396, 17.03K)

always wondered what this bad boy would look like as a .gif next to my name on Yas Forums

Attached: 01E741B3-4F8A-4198-8706-4C0D7C4E811F.jpg (1084x725, 275.49K)

yes. White and dark blue just go together so well. And at least it's a bit more complex and unique than three stripes

Did the other scandi countries not teach you how to outline your cross in paint?

Any flag that isn't made out of blue, red and white is either a meme country or an autistic one
Tricolor is peak aesthetic
Any complicated figure on a flag is just snowflake syndrome
Prove me wrong

>White and dark blue just go together so well.
True, if you had red to break the staleness and boredom

>other scandi countries

Attached: viha sammako.png (556x430, 70.32K)

Yes, and?

Attached: 1573584244359.png (358x357, 150.51K)

you want to see meme flags, look at the flags of individual US states with seals on them

If your flag doesn't have red on it you're a sissy country that has never spilled blood before.


Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Acadiana.svg (1).png (1200x867, 32.76K)

>es.svg: 143435 Bytes
Feels good not having a filesizelet flag.

The most efficient post on 4channel

based autism

Unless you are the original tricolor.

that's just the flag of the gumbo eaters, I was referring to some of the official state flags, such as the flags of kansas, kentucky, maine, vermont, colorado and the one with the ship