The picture that btfo'd all magatards forever

the picture that btfo'd all magatards forever

Attached: 1579024328962.png (500x647, 171.33K)

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amerisharts btfo hahaha

holy shit!!!!!


Only wh*tes should leave desu every other race can stay

>No America for the native Americans? Than no Europe for the Europeans!

Attached: 1585052883196.jpg (1080x1331, 439.73K)

Olmecs were here first, plains injuns need to go back to siberia

Attached: FENOTIPO BVLL OLMECA.png (493x623, 476.99K)

Attached: WQh7yzO.jpg (500x677, 102.48K)

kys plains injun/aztec (silvid) lover, this is olmec (margid) clay

Attached: 1587943716881.jpg (2400x1800, 1.69M)

They literally have no come back

magatards double btfo'd

unironically literally true

damn...guess i better pack my bags...

silvids need to go back to siberia

You see them in this thread with their "ironic" replies trying to shift away from the core issue, but the truth is they're scared

Oh yeah??? When will they go back to Asia???

Fuck off, they are full.

This native shit only supports our platform.
Unchecked immigration will destroy you.

America belongs to us white people by right of conquest

This, sivilds need to go back.

They have to go back.

Attached: 8050FBB2-6336-481A-A01F-5F311FF59430.jpg (1484x2048, 579.65K)

t. landlocked

olmecs (margids) were here before every other group. This is our clay.

>Relatively ancient. Arrived with one of the first migrations to America during the Paleolithic.

Attached: olmec phenotype.png (495x736, 234.03K)

I was about to post this but I couldn’t find it fuck

So if Muslims conquer Europe it belongs to them?

So animals are a cancer upon the land, humans are a cancer upon the animals, and mutts are a cancer upon the humans? Modern americans are like 5th generation cancer.

Imagine everyone just left and gave the land back to natives.
they'd be dead in a year or two lmaoooo niggas can't even find their own drinking water without a walmart to give them Dasani frfr

We olmecs would genocide all plains injun scum, they are our eternal enemies. We hate them for invading our continent, we olmecs were here first

Yes? The Middle East belongs to muslims because they conquered it from christians for example

Yes might makes right, if we olmecs conquer america it will be ours.

>wh*tes and amerinjuns are killing themselves in mass
kek, we will take this land without even having to fight

Attached: 1578614255412.png (720x540, 78.74K)

absolute shite gimmick, you can stop now

Im serious, we olmecs will take over and establish a fascist olmec ethnostate

Attached: 06.jpg (1583x2562, 1.11M)

silvids have wh*te solutrean blood

unironically based all castizos mastizos and other impurities should be sacrificed to old gods

How are natives doing now?

kill yourself nigger, we want you all out especially you nappy haired monkeys

olmecs are doing find amerinjuns kill themselves in mass tho
Olmecs did not practice much human sacrifice, that was mostly a wh*te solutrean azt*c thing



Look at the shape of his heeeaad!

t. 1/64th Cherokee

Mongolia is VERY far from full

The people who post and make this kind of stuff are in favor of open borders. They don't actually give a shit about Native Americans.

Amerinjuns are solutrean caucasoid+ mongoloid mongrels, thats why they are weird looking

Attached: superior pure mongoloid olmec.jpg (676x681, 375.73K)

You can stop larping now, I posted it.

Attached: 2A2BAAF2-7DC0-448D-83A8-3511731E2E92.png (1000x1000, 100.39K)