What are some non-shitty places to visit in Latin America

Once this pandemic all blows over?

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South of Chile

What about North of Chile?

Puerto Rico

Argentina, uruguay, chile, southern brazil


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Nice tax haven bro

It depends. What are you interested on? If you want to visit pyramids, drink a beers, eat good food, go to Yucatán in Mexico. Peaceful state, kind people, cheap as fuck. If you want a bigger city with hoes, alcohol and drugs Monterrey and Culiacán are good. I keep recommending Yucatan because violence in Mexico is raising up. Don't even think about Cancun, please.


Full of peruvians bolivians and congolombians

Siempre he querido recorrer México, sobre todo el norte, es muy peligroso? Los secuestros y asaltos son muy usuales?

No thanks. I don't wanna be be-headed by the Columbian mafia

Attached: There's a bunch of Colombians cominc in Friday.jpg (2560x1087, 468.13K)

Shut up indio

Colombians don't behead people, that's brazilians and mexicans

Son frecuentes en Tamaulipas, Coahuila, Chihuahua y Baja California norte. Los más tranquilos son Sinaloa y Nuevo León. Sonora igual, pero no tanto. El cartel de Sinaloa no permite secuestros ni robos en su territorio, si fuera tú iría ahí. Hay balaceras, pero mayormente entre "la maña", si no estás metido en eso no te pasa nada.

En realidad no, en el norte de México lo mejor es la naturaleza, las ciudades son medio meh (hay excepciones).

Why would they target you? That's not how it works

are you that narco tripfag little shit that lived in the US because your family are literally narcos? lmao


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If you can survive Panama or Uruguay, Colombia would feel like a walk in the park

Attached: Latin-America_2019-Homicide-Rates-in-Latin-America-and-the-Caribbean-Capitals_InSight-Crime_Map_25-02-20-2.jpg (1357x966, 163.66K)

congos everywhere, colombians will kill you for a phone, any phone

Isn't kidnapping very common in Colombia? I'm the whitest looking person imaginable and I'd think I'd stick out like a sore thumb

you said it, heaven

>narcostate in permawar is safe
sounds legit

there were like 88 kidnappings in total last year. You have more kidnappings every single month in the states alone

slow news, mr. Quispe?

I'm assuming because it's south of USA so lotsa drug money, trafficking etc.

The USA is much bigger tho, not a good comparison

same as congolombia or venezuela, you don't go there

Do you think they a give a shit about your race? Who let you out of pol? Over a million americans visit each year, half of them are white and nothing ever happens to them, not to mention there are 125k american (s)expats living here full-time

What the fuck is going on with Venezuela?

¿Qué lugares son buenos para visitar en Chile? Algún lado con clima templado. Mientras más frío mejor.


keep seething, we had 5 million international tourists last year. Btw, why are you obsessed with us, you want me to mention you country or something? Well, I wont' cause it's irrelevant

Bro, I grew up in South Africa and the colour of your skin unfortunately makes you an easy target. I'm just assuming the rest of the world is like that. White people are stereotypically seen as rich so they're easy targets for crime (at least in South Africa). I know nothing about Latin America so I just use what I've grown up with to err on the side of caution

Desde La Serena al sur

This. Been to Colombia four or five times. Very comfy and inexpensive country. Crime's a concern for sure, but most foreigners I've met who got robbed or mugged were comically drunk (or otherwise intoxicated) at the time of the crime. Keep your wits about you and it's a pretty rewarding destination, IMO.

Been to maybe eight countries in Latin America. Colombia's tied for my favorite spot alongside Mexico. TBQH, Colombia would be number one, but I vastly prefer Mexican food to Colombian cuisine. There's really no competition, so far as I'm concerned.

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> colder the better

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Lekker, you'll only be safe in uruguay, argentina and chile, everywhere else you'll be seen as a dumb gringo easy to rob, forget about, north of that path

>but I vastly prefer Mexican food to Colombian cuisine
Everyone does

Yeah, I've seen that. Colombians will defend their crap-core cuisine to the grave, though.

I’m ashamed you’re posting with my flag. Colombia is a safe place to visit and has been for at least a decade.

Uruguay is a shithole, its capital has a higher murder rate than Colombia's. Argentina is also pretty bad, just two months ago some Brit was murdered in broad daylight in the middle of a city. Saying other countries are bad is just plain stupid since none of what you mention ever happens to foreigners, crime is mostly kept among criminals in favelas, all which are places a foreigner would rarely end up in by accident. You have the same problems as the rest of the region. Why i it always Chileans acting smug and demeaning of other Latinos as if they didn't have 3 times the murder rate of Spain or NZ? You are deluded, kiddo

I don't know who to believe. This guy or this guy

Chileans have a hard-on for Colombia, all of them on this board, just lurk more and you'll start realizing it. None of them have ever been here to begin with. The American user, on the other hand has been here 8 times and is probably as white as you are, unlike some 1.65m Delfin Quispe from down south

>implying air traffic will ever start again

>just two months ago some Brit was murdered in broad daylight in the middle of a city.

I've only been to Colombia four or five times, user.

Pic from Honduras, tho.

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>Crime is mostly kept among criminals in favelas, all which are places a foreigner would rarely end up in by accident. You have the same problems as the rest of the region
Not here, and I live in what is considered a bad part of Santiago


>none of what you mention ever happens to foreigners
depends a lot, some of the murders/robberies target richer foreigners