Biden vs Trump

Who do you think will win the 2020 elections?

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It depends on how fast USA recovers from covid, but I say Biden has 45% chances of winning while Trump has 55%

Hitler would win against Trump at this point

How do you have these two as your candidates for president and not lose your will to live

Politics aren't everything in life :)

I want B*Den to win just so I can see all the MIGAtards seethe. Maybe we won't see as much Yas Forums spam anymore

I would say Trump but I don't know how popular biden actually is and how many berniebros will stick to their guns and reject him.

Forget MIGAtards, Trump will trully lose his mind. If I was american, I'd be worried the would lose it the few months he is still in power.

please don't make us confront the horrors of reality.

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It is for americans. Politics is all they can talk about

they're both senile. america is fucked either way


one of them is a senile old man with good policies

Trump lied, people died
It’s over

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Same, imagine his Twitter tantrum

>Senile vs retard

Why can't americans nominate someone normal?

I think trump, But i don't really care who wins. Nowadays i get most of my entertainment from the us and i'm sure there is gonna be a massive meltdown from the snowflakes on the left or the right either way. And it will be beautiful.

Thankfully its not this senile retard
and hopefully not this idiot

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I hope Trump wins again, he makes me rofl and lmao with his retardation.

I don't know. You tell me which swing states might turn blue.

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Biden is winning almost all of the swing states in the polls

I hope trump wins so i can laugh at the libtard trannies here

Biden will be funny too. He's old and senile and has paedo tendencies. I'm just glad I live in a country where our politics are boring and uninteresting.

Polls are not that reliable senpai. If trump goes with the saying "biden is incoherent senile" 24/7 strategy people might vote for him again because he appears as the lesser evil.

Clinton and Bremain won in the polls...

Biden's policies are more popular

trump probably. I need to see those compilation video similar to the "he will not divide us" again

the guy who constantly rambles on twitter and walks with toiler paper stuck on his shoes is going to say that. though it will work unfortunately.

What are his policies? Legit question

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Yeah, I just don't think he'll be as funny.
I won't be too disappointed either way.

>Who do you think will win the 2020 elections?
Those outside of Clapistan who get to watch the circus freak show main act.

All Biden needs to do is nominate Bernie as his VP to win but he wont

4 more years

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$15 per hour minimum wage
Free public college for anybody earning less than $75,000
Student loan forgiveness for anybody earning less than $75,000
Public health care insurance option

Biden at this point, Trump's only hope is that the Tara Reade allegations become a much bigger issue.
State-level polls aren't as accurate as national polls.

american politics is all that foreigners can talk about

Politics are fake and gay. It’s all a movie directed by a team of gay Jewish midgets. Once you realize it’s all fake and gay you can laugh at it and enjoy your life.

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this belongs on



The only reason why people bring up American politics on Yas Forums is because it's a freakshow than you yanks have spent over half a decade now absolutely vomiting all over Yas Forums and the rest of the English speaking internet as much as humanly possible.
When someone comes running into a room screaming and covered in shit, yeah; people are going to spend time talking about it.

And if Biden goes with the "Trump literally said you should inject bleach" strategy, he might have a chance too.

bask in our glory more please