I keep having psychotic thoughts of harming people I've been off uni and the mask is slipping bros.
I went over to a uni mate's house for study and I told him what I wanted to do to the professors daughter.
That I want to running kick his daughter, not his wife, not his son, not even him. I want to take a head start run back, and literally PROPEL my self, off the floor, and flying double kick his daughter in the face. but heres the thing, he has to see it. I don't want to kill her, not at all. I just want him to view me taking a large run back, and actually lifting my entire body off the floor, flying across the sky, legs together, feet out, directly into her face. I literally, can't even explain to you why. she looks like she was LITTERALLY made for it.
My friend told me to never repeat to anyone what I said to him.
I have the same problem just keep it to yourself like everyone. Don't tell it to a specialist or he will label you as a schizo and the governament will not let you drive ever again
Jacob Parker
I 100% expected an Aussie flag. Good thing I will never go to straya, the land of the mentally ill.
Well, I was raised in a single mother househould. I was often beaten for the smallest infractions. When I was 13, my younger brother and I had sex, though it was consentual and both of us were ok with it.
Hunter Anderson
sounds like you need to go pour a glass of cement and drink it to harden the fuck up
Lucas Barnes
Thank you for your help
Asher Peterson
it is the truth though in a very crude sense, everyone's had a shit go at some point but you can't let that define you, you're either gonna sit around and cry about it all day and do fuck all or let it be the past and move on and actually do something with your life
Nicholas Hill
If you aren't trolling and aren't doing it yet, you actually might want to consider therapy. These visions of violence might be caused by your past. Personally I don't think that you're gay, maybe you and your brother were just looking for some warmth in the harsh environment you grew up in.
Did some significant event happen before the two of you fucked? Is your sex life in general something you'd consider normal?
Hunter Diaz
I tried watching a movie with the old man last night. My parents have been divorced since I was 1 but recently he's been fucking living here. 20 minutes in and I'm fucking sick of it. He asks me questions about what just happened every 30 seconds like we're not watching the exact same fucking movie? The fuck? I couldn't do it anymore I faked going to bed.
Joseph Kelly
shut up mongrel op do your thing and kick the cunt out of the orbite
Nolan Butler
I'm not OP, I just felt like trolling his post. Good advice though. You guys are good people.
Ayden Lewis
Are you sure that Australia is ill and not you?
Jacob Kelly
Life as a sub-8 male is a scam. Competing with 10 million other men for chad's sloppy leftovers is cucked. I therefore dedicate my life to hating women and wasting gov resources. I bludge on cenno. I've never worked a day in my life. I've never paid a cent in income tax. I'll never repay my HECS debt. I fake suicide attempts to waste gov resources. I chadfish roasties and stand them up on dates. I wank to gore videos of women getting tortured and decapitated. Is that normal?
Carter Gutierrez
Did you even read OP's opening post?
Nathan Phillips
go ER
Brandon Martin
beyond based i fake job offers make staceys call over and over again hack facebook profiles of dead whores using which i insult their still living chads i also go shopping shortly before they close and stay longer to make cunts working there work even longer there are many creative ways of making lives of dumb cunts harder what youve mentioned is barely scratching the surface
Parker Gray
Did you?
Joseph Williams
My did does the same thing, I hate that old ignorant fucker he's direcly responsable for many of the issues now I have to spend money and time with. I just wish he leave me alone but he keeps persecuting me as some kind of living ghost
Mason Cooper
Nice quads. You need therapy, but that's not real advice. From someone who's had this, try to differentiate between a (suppressed) intent towards violence, and an obsessive thought. My point being, if you were really capable and willing to do this to the girl, you'd either have already done it or be in the process of doing so. The fact that you haven't means this isn't really a violent urge, but rather a recurring obsessive thought. I used to have these all the time, mostly about offing myself/others. Went to a shrink, turned out to have undiagnosed OCD.
>Declaration of desire to harm people which could potentially develop into psychotic and homicidal behaviour on a Moldavian cheese critiquing forum known to be under the watch of intelligence and law enforcement agencies Hello ASIO