/cum/ + /centralamerica/

society rejects general


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my house has an ant problem

my house has a me problem

just made something kind of like chicken salad except instead of chicken and celery it's shiitake mushrooms and garlic that i roughly chopped and fried and then minced once cooked and bound with a bit of mayo and it's very tasty

I don't want to be human

Stinky, uh oh is.

central america is now a part of /mex/ and mexico is now independent from north america aka /cum/. please call these generals /cu/ from now on, or choose another country such as macedonia or malaysia to join you.


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cringe post

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I will go to bed and watch videos till I fall asleep

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you suppose to use this pic with a reply

Do therapists actually help? I use to go to one but I never got anything out of it.

it's simply the truth even if it bothers you, mexico now has its own general

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>it's simply the truth even if it bothers you, mexico now has its own general

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have you guys heard of hentai?

I'm doing no 3D 2020, so far I have only fapped to 2D this year

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i've soooo hard to die but every time these mfers resucicate me

what makes you cry

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you may not like it but you're a source of revenue for them. they rescue you to get paid. not even your own life is in your own hands, or, you're not allowed to die until they say so.

break free from the system

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After being with many psychiatrists and psychologists I think that if the solution is talking you can talk to someone smart and kind enough to help you but those people normaly wouldn't help enough because they have their lives and time is running.
But therapists get paid to at least pretend they give a damn and offer solutions and helpfull advise that they know has worked before.

So as bullshit as their jobs sound they worth at least a try

whys that married hajji nigga (female) taking BBC on the side

does sex therapy work?

>sit down to do a poo
>sounds exactly like the uh oh stinky fart
>start laughing
>butt seals up
>window for pooping closed
until next time...

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what the fuck is sex therapy?


ur a bad poster

Gonna go to the store and stock up on meat since the corona is shutting down meat plants

Don't really care one way or the other

hope one day I can be as good of a poster as FK

many many many people, the best people, terrific people really

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