Yo user...

>Yo user, long time no see! You really saved my GPA in that English class! I got that Goldman Sachs job and now I'm a director! Stacey and me got hitched and she works in HR just a few floors down. What do you do now? Part time librarian? So you get to read books all day, huh? (*Stacey giggles condescendingly*). Anyway, we're on our way to the yearly company ball, held in my boss's yacht. Nice seeing you!
How do you respond?

Attached: thanksanon.jpg (1080x1350, 275.53K)

> No, nigger. I ain't no librarian and you ain't no director. I make 200k/ year and fuck prozzies throughout the globe

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Most Goldman sachs employees don't make a lot of money and have to work 12-16 hours a day. He would actually be fat and balding if he were a director.

>*winks eye at stacy as a signal for her not to tell my friend that I fucked her raw last night with my 6 inch dick*


I think they're paid pretty well in NYC, but days are very long

They are paid 150k/year in nyc, but then there's high tax and living expenses

I would nothing more than to shoot both of them in the back of the head execution style.

Based thread. FUCK incel nerds

They make around 160k starting as first year associates. The hours are grueling though

I can't believe I chose to study business. It's literally the rat race field, and I'm not a Chad. Fuck fuck

where's his asian girlfriend

“Your girlfriend deserves a BBC”

Literally me but I'm at PwC and with Chinese gf

Only the quants with math PHDs make bank. OP's pic would've been a nerd.

What kind of work are you doing in business? I want to get an MBA but I want to work in the public sector

>auditor cuckold
>same as investment banking

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Richer than you chang

>Nice shoes, fag.
Also, guy looks like he has rich parents.

kinda want to get on the ground and lick her feet up and down O.O

no chad you must have misheard, i said Im also working in finance as an analyst

>Most Goldman sachs employees don't make a lot of money

"Ha, no problemo! Have fun at the party" and walk away smiling because I'm not insecure.

>good to hear mate take care

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i wouldnt stop talking to a jew and his golddigging bimbo whore, also i never helped anyone in school but a couple stacies

Is being a librarian bad in the US? Here it's considered a normal job. In fact I would love to be a librarian. Seems like a comfy job.

same being a librarian seems like a nice cozy stress free job

>Worked at jewgle
>Used to act like I didn't know what Goldman Sachs and other financial companies are.
>Pretend like I never heard of Harvard, Stanford and other bussiness schools.
>Yeah well how much do you earn.
>Ye...yeah well tech is dying anyway.
The amount of seethe I'd get from these people was legendary. All finance guys are insecure fucks because they have to work ungodly hour with shit loads of stress while most tech chads can chill all day and out earn them. Plus we don't have that scumbag image.

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wouldn't let a toothy anglo with a sticc fake blonde gf with gnarly toes insult me in the 1st place

Americans are psychopaths and look down upon people with low paying jobs

What do Bulgarian feet look like?

They only care about conforming while pretending to be individuals. It doesn't matter if you are happy with your job, you must chase the money. Their whole society is structured around the rat race. I love the people but man does it have some deep deep issues

And the award for most ignorant post on Yas Forums goes to...Auslardbro