Are you going to marry a pure virgin who will never forget her first time with you or a thot who will divorce and forget you?
Are you going to marry a pure virgin who will never forget her first time with you or a thot who will divorce and...
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a 25 yr old virgin gunpowder girl
I'll marry the first and the second as a lover. If she tries to betray me I throw acid in her face
I just want my kids, to hell with the woman. I need a son!
Stupid sexist.
Women aren't just baby factories you know, they have hopes and dreams too
3rd world nigga
I hate this guy.
Virginity doesn’t make a woman more loyal
High value women are less likely to branch swing because they are able to select from among the highest SMV men
I am not going to marry haha
but guys with that attitude these days have nothing but their teared culotte to inherit to their children.
>High value women are less likely to branch swing because they are able to select from among the highest SMV men
hmmmm probably true... Here in Brazil it's the poorfags that cheat a lot
Preceding your genes is the biological purpose of life. I will not leave this Earth until I satisfy this demand.
To be fair, most of the virgin ones are muslims in which their husband/father would behead if she cheated.
Violence keeps a woman docile.
Still true regardless
Only uggos, fatties, and mentally ill chicks fuck around
3rd world nigga
No, there are many non muslims who never cheated. I bet 99% of couples never cheated, world wide.
Nobody has a right to anything in this world; as these things come and go. I will not raise him weak in the belief that his life's quality is measured by what he owns.
That isn't to say I won't leave anything to my son or that I will neglect him. I intend to leave him rich in both, or as best as I can.
3rd world nigga
do you have a moustach too and worship your mother?
It's not the cheating. It's the casual sex and partner hopping.
I want a virgin girl so much. Unfortunately here most girls are not. The ones that are barely last before they get fucked by someone.
>. I will not raise him weak
You're a firstoid. Firstoids can't raise strong men.
no he is a 3rd world nigga
I'm obviously not going to raise him like a metrosexual loser. My son will be amazing.
good luck
yeah sex became casual worldwide and only muslim societies are resisting the tide. men all want casual sex and drool over it, its the woman's upbringing that decides if she spreads her legs or nah.
As much as I want it, I can't imagine converting to a religion like Islam without really believing in it just to get a women. I do respect you guys a lot though.
I respect you too, good luck
Thanks bro :) You too
are there any western countries left where divorce is illegal?
>"traditional" Russians, Hungarians and catholics in Spain and Poortugal are the worst
Cuckservatives are pathetic