Why North American natives were so dark?

Why North American natives were so dark?

Attached: 20200428_011542.jpg (607x939, 301.6K)

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Ancient european blood

they lived in the desert

Look at this

Attached: Pima_Indian_man,_Olingh_(O-lingh),_a_farmer_at_Pima,_Arizona,_ca.1900_(CHS-3612).jpg (461x599, 41.97K)

I've never seen a native so dark in my life.

Attached: Pima_Indian_man,_John_Thomas,_Chief_at_Gila_Crossing,_Pima,_Arizona,_ca.1900_(CHS-3619).jpg (452x600, 47.17K)

Those are sonorids, the rest of northern native americans (pacifids, silvids & pueblids) are not that dark.
Margid sonorids are mostly proto mongoloid, its silvids who are eurasians.

Attached: margid sonorid-.jpg (866x1390, 140.91K)

sonorid type natives are the darkest in the americas

Attached: margid sonorid chihuahua mexico.jpg (500x375, 26.02K)

Notice even this guy isn't a pure native. Look how they look 100% native

>Notice even this guy isn't a pure native. Look how they look 100% native
joel huiqui is predominantly or full native he does not have any euro features.

Attached: a14n1dep-1.jpg (333x500, 19.09K)

There is still plenty of pure sonorids, here have some pics that are not in black and white.

Attached: rock-seri-luto.jpg (728x409, 23.04K)

Attached: gabriel_hoffer_4243.jpg (648x864, 186.76K)

He has obviously black ancestry. Pure natives are different. Look Canadian and Brazilian natives.

Attached: 4d3d3bbf0d2e4b7bebbb8e56804e1366.jpg (310x400, 150.8K)

>He has obviously black ancestry.
tell me what negro features he has
>Pure natives are different. Look Canadian and Brazilian natives
you can not expect sonorid type natives do not look like amazonids and canadians, not all natives are the same race

He has a very black smile man. Black ancestors.

Attached: JoelHuiqui.jpg (360x450, 38.82K)

>sinaloa mexico
>black ancestry
nope, only mexicans from southern coasts of mexico have black ancestry

>the only race that occupied all the different climatic zones of the planet simultaneously for thousands of years arr rook same

Attached: 20191207_223709.jpg (490x450, 91.98K)

He has straight hair and none of his facial features are negroid

Attached: Sunshine Hours.jpg (1080x598, 139.4K)

Everone is dark without make up that era
Its a camera problem

Not sure what you're talking about. These are 100% native Americans from the Northeastern U.S.

Attached: elders-group-2018411b1567041660f2864eff0000f396b9.jpg (539x432, 47.78K)

All natives look very asian. I see many photos of Canadian and Brazilian natives and even the darkest ones have slanted eyes. He looks a mix of native and black.

Attached: download (5).jpg (256x197, 11.15K)

>He has obviously black ancestry. Pure natives are different. Look Canadian and Brazilian natives.

Attached: D1jbxoPX0AEZnRY.jpg (640x723, 21.82K)

It's because of his eyes. If you pic old photos pure natives don't have eyes lile that.

Mexican natives (margids) have pseudo australoid features, they are the least asian looking.
not all natives are the same

Show me a pure native without eyes like that. This is how a pure sonorid look like. He has black ancestry.

Attached: 70882211f9925f24e446e75547ec3370--pima-indians-american-pride.jpg (236x316, 9.75K)

>ectomorph body
>straight hair


>straight hair

What is racemixing? Native genes are not white genes. White genes are the weakest

They aren't dark skinned. Their skin is actually rather light.

Negroid hair does not go away in one generation. it only goes away once your negroid admixture in negligible amounts

>everyone has to look exactly the same
stop being retarded

What a bullshit man. Native and black racemixing tend to look like literal Indians and Pakis. These kind of mutts are common in North region of Brazil.

Attached: foto_cafuzo1-300x479.jpg (300x479, 44.9K)

He does not have straight hair

>without eyes like that
If anyone did show you one you'd ignore it or pretend like they're not similar because you think you know what you're talking about but you clearly don't, it's literally pointless arguing with stubborn ignorant dumbasses

this is how true zambos look like

Attached: negro + injun (zambo).jpg (400x364, 40.26K)

So African and Native American racemixing really looks like that? Indian as fuck. I'm shocked.

that guy in your pic is triracial not zambo

What the fuck is zambo?

Nope black + native looks like this
the picture the brazilian posted is triracial