Democracy in East Asia
>One party state
>One party state
>One party state until 1996
And you wonder why china doesn't embrace democracy.
Democracy in East Asia
>One party state
>One party state
>One party state until 1996
And you wonder why china doesn't embrace democracy.
Democracy is a outdated idea. The future will be oligarchic.
Sri Lanka
Democracy in the Philippines works just fine. I guess you need to be extremely cucked by Westerners to make it work.
The idea of political progress with democracy as its ultimate realization is a liberal ideology
Have you never heard of Oriental Despotism?
China is the same thing except without the power checks that keep elites from doing dumb kneejerk and overly self-interested shit like China's one party state and business elite do routinely. Oligarchs will be oligarchs, so you need padding and some decent ones. It's honestly all about setup and wider political context, not nominal 'system' which is largely just branding. Western liberal democracies are oligarchies too but more decentralised (and denationalised). I'd prefer an official ruling class so you can more easily tell what the fuck is going on. Particularly who rules the rulers.
Literally everything is a ideology you retard, it's called worldview/culture/religion. You can say the same thing about any concept. That said, 'progress' and 'democracy' are particularly nebulous as they're essentially meaningless, containers for whatever purpose is needed. And make for boring as fuck narrowminded smugness.
because democracy is demon racy.
no thank you democracy.
this is a satanic religion
all wise people hate democracy
Democracy in Asian countries:
>Party performs so well that no competing parties are needed. Every metric of livability miraculously improves and these improvements stay consistent over time. High speed trains everywhere and politicians are trained technocrats. Coronavirus did not even exist in China until it was under control.
Democrappy in the W*st:
>Despite having two or more political parties, growth is slow if nonexistent. Metrics vary wildly from year to year since the government doesn't put pressure on local officials to fix problems. Country loses face from constant political squabbles and internal criticism. Trains are nearly non-existent and politicians are grimy lawyers who care more about debating meaningless details in the "laws" than actually getting stuff done Despite having months to prepare still crash their entire economy over a virus that they themselves invented.
you can't convince anyone because america has full on brainwashing that democracy is the best.
Americans are easy to brainwash after all
yes, you can even go so far as to say literally everything is something but sometimes it's worth going beyond being superficial. It may seem obvious to you at this point in history but most Americans years ago really bought hard into the idea that all people wanted free markets and liberal democracies and really could not possibly entertain or understand the idea that maybe some people might not care for democracy. I really wonder if anyone still really thinks that we're trying to "liberate" the people of Iran, Venezuela, or North Korea.
Venezuela and North Korea are actually fucked up situations though, I don't think they would really mind being "liberated".
But yeah you're right that people used to think that the Chinese all despised the regime or something.
India is probably the only working democracy in all of Asia from the Middle East to Japan and it's shit. Not sure if democracy is the best form of governance.
japan is a shithole but that one party state shit goes for western countries nowadays like germany.
the world has just stagnated
it's impossible to rule India without some form of democracy.
Japan has been a multiparty system since 1994
Korea and Taiwan are perfectly functional democracies with classic left-right polarization
HK is a multiparty system that would function even better if B*ijing didn't meddle
Singapoo is the only legitimate example
smart people are calling democrats demon rats.
democracy will be gone.
but demon rats and libeler demon rats are the same
>I don't think they would really mind being "liberated".
They probably don't, which is why America needs to fund rebels
Yeah. I'm actually very anti-USA but they're the good guys in Venezuela and Korea.
They are not.
but American hate demon rats now
what americans think is irrelevant. Their country is ruled by plutocrats.
nah bro people just do and think whatever agenda is set before them. i don't think any of that means anything to the normal person aside from something to merely observe regardless of his thoughts or to happily concede to.
Not true at all. Those one parties are incompetent as fuck, all they care about is image and mock nationalism to keep their power too. Asians just are incapable of anything else so that's how it's always gonna be.
>western democracies lose face
>asian oligarchies save face
Seems alright to me. Success is always going to drive bitterness.
de facto one party bar some minor slips
>Korea and Taiwan are perfectly functional democracies with classic left-right polarization
>left-right polarization
so (probably) american inspired if not enforced smoke and mirrors covering their real system. bullshit.
dunno about this one
i don't know what you mean but being actually braindead for your media image and career salary/elite connections is not good. oligarchies are good but they need to be done properly.
You can't rule Asia without Iron Fist
>minor slips
Four changes of government in the last thirty years, same as the US