Are there many Americans still proud of Shartmerica in 2020? I feel like the "murica #1!" mentality was much more prevalent online a decade ago than it is now. Seems like most mutts are slowly realizing their country is absolute irredeemable garbage. Correct?
Are there many Americans still proud of Shartmerica in 2020...
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What makes America garbage is other Americans tbqhwyf
Eat shit, retard. America will always be #1
Nope, wish I lived in Europe instead
This tbqhwyfamalambbq
>I believe in the United States of America, as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.
>Seems like most mutts are slowly realizing their country is absolute irredeemable garbage. Correct?
no because the statement we're number one never attempted to be rooted in objective fact. It's a platitude rallying cry for everyone who doesn't hate their father, and the butthurt it causes you makes it worth saying.
>Nope, wish I lived in Europe instead
Yeah, but the rapid decline of America has been really astounding to witness. The 21st century has been really awful for your country. I have a feeling "The History of the Decline and Fall of the United States" will start with 9/11. And Trump, really? He is like Nero, except even worse. A real dumb, fat motherfucker.
These words have been completely empty for the past few decades. You're slaves to greedy corporations, pawns to your military-industrial complex. An American's life has no value.
I wouldn't say I'm proud of it but I do love my guns and freedoms.
What freedom do you have left which hasn't been eroded by the PATRIOT act?
you were born in 2003 so don't act like you know what it was like here before then lmao
I was born in '93 and it is sad how you cannot come up with a real argument and are just too cowardly to agree with me that every American is a literal slave and that even third-world countries are run by more capable leaders. You are doomed.
>>Nope, wish I lived in Europe instead
only good thing about America is the armed populace, banning guns is the absolutely MOST KEKED thing a populace can do
You better brandish those gun boy because civil war 2.0 is coming soon the way your country is going. When every single person you encounter might potentially be an enemy combatant, we'll see how much you enjoy your gun freedoms.
We've been on the decline since JFK, probably due to mass-migration, drug prevalance, and (((foreign investment))). We'll most likely continue the downward spiral until we have a civil war and after that we'll go back to being isolationists.
I honestly dont think the majority think America is number 1 in everything. I still like it, especially when I look at other countries. I feel like Yas Forums forgets some of us travel, know foreigners and actually read news not about football, drumpf or guns. Germany is really the only country I've seen that I would probably like but even they have places I wouldn't want to live in.
Gun owners in America are amicable towards one another, the enemy will be in the cities and government offices.
> civil war 2.0
holy shit please please please, don't get my hopes up dutchbro
despite it's shortcomings i'm still proud of our accomplishments
This coronavirus pandemic humiliated America, Trump, and the political system. Literal clown world when it comes to real issues. The prospect of it being #1 is cringe now.
I cant own a gun because I'm forced to live in NYC. (Actually I do own them but they are at my dads.) You unironically have a lot of people here that are hard right wing. The problem is it's a liberal douche magnet for the rest of the country and third world immigrants flee to it so on paper it looks hard left. But the reality is even 10% of NYC is still 840,000 people or 140% the population of Wyoming.
You should look into moving to PA whenever possible, there's almost no reason to live in NYC anymore. Even if you say you can earn more money there, companies are starting to go remote operating and the jobs will slowly move out. NYC is and probably always will be a gay/liberal/immigrant hub.
Incorrect, America is still superior to your poopy whore swamp Eurotard
All of that is just due to the circumstances of the founding of the US. The actual people that inhabit the place are complete trash.
It preceded the founding of the US if you've ever bothered to read into American history, which the vast majority of Europoopies don't, so I'll let this slide for now you disgusting hideous fat pig of a foreigner :)
I love the US, I think we have our fair amount of flaws but Euros are a bit too obsessive.
>Every American is a literal slave and that even third-world countries are run by more capable leaders. You are doomed.
Nice hyperbole doomer.
There are many more faggots and trannies that lurk the internet so it isnt surprising. I would still rather live here than any other shithole country