Did people really think Japan was gonna take over the world back in the 80s? What happened?
Did people really think Japan was gonna take over the world back in the 80s? What happened?
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YOU happened america
No, why would they? Japan has always been known to be America's bitch since WWII, and that is the image they have always had.
Japanese industrial power couldn't beat the American political power. That's it.
t. didn't live thru the 80s
Bitch please. Don't talk about history when you know nothing about it.
is that the junko girl who's killers went free?
Shahar was once weeb so he invested 5% of his wealth to Japan.
He somehow got mad after visiting Japan and realizing that he cannot find love over there so he withdraws all his money.
yes, even tho japanese industrial efficiency is far better.
the Plaza Accord. Same thing we're attempting to do to China now, although by different means.
america is ALWAYS happening
maybe if they had have had babies instead of being so dense, that could have been the case
>Mariya Takeuchi
Why do I feel nostalgic for 80s Tokyo, bros?
because they started dominating a lot of industries, especially high tech industries, and had much higher growth than usa every year.
Japanese power was real back then. Americans were cornered and this upset to demonstrate the demolition of Japanese cars on the streets.
Yep and how many people forget that back in the 80s when America thought Japan was going to overtake them, they shitted on Japan and spreaded just as much propaganda about them as they're doing China now. Funny how quickly people forget this shit after a decade or two.
the cycle continues. It'll be India 20-30 years from now, maybe Nigeria another 20-30 years after that.
That is one of the reasons why I personally support China. Other posters think I am CCP shill though.
t. Chang
there was some congressman back then giving a speech about how we should've "dropped more nukes on them in WW2" kek
Ganbare China!
Beat the US of A!
Do you actually assume this board has a bunch of people who were raised in the 80s.
where he did he suggest that?
I wonder if economists agreed.
USA or no USA Japan seemed to be already overspending, and sooner or later production in Japan would have become too expensive.
Steve Jobs beat them at their own game with the IPod and they’ve never recovered since.
then they could've just moved production elsewhere, like the U.S. or every other developed country that it got too expensive in
I don't think anyone thought Japan would be the number one power or anything. It was mostly that Japan was beating USA in many industries.
They did, somehow. Look all the weaboos arround this site including myself
Yes. Eventually making cheap products for the west (and slightly refined higher end versions) comes to the end when your people expect a higher standard of living which requires a higher wage and prices you out of manufacturing. They arent shit but they proved that the idea that their economic and technological refinements would keep going at the same rate was delusional.
my dad made me learn to eat with chopsticks. He was a businessman with a japanese company but french canadian in descent.
something that westoids cannot fundamentally understand is that Japanese culture does not prioritize world domination, but harmony. They prioritize the longevity of their society over short term gains from power.
WW2 was a spergout because they knew the westoids were coming eventually so they sperged out before they could get BTFO then got BTFO anyway
They made huge gains. American started working longer hours to out do them.
We still work more hours. We're not as happy as they are now though.