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Is this true?
Hudson Wood
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Wyatt Nguyen
Jaxson Hill
anglo supremacy is an oxymoron
Michael Bailey
if you huffed enough paint you could eventually believe i guess
Jose Stewart
Julian Bell
No they are just rapebabies of anyone
Kevin Wood
damn haha we really do be like that
Nathaniel Roberts
Adam Davis
Anglos are just Germans that got NORMAN'D
Cameron Foster
Kevin Walker
America is and never was Anglo, you fool.
Ryan Rogers
No, because anglos are ugliest people in that part of the continent.
Ugly people are subhumans by default
Isaiah Diaz
>Anglos are descended from alpha conquerors
>Shitalians are descended from slaves and the kinds of genetic trash that was born during the height of the roman empire and decided to stick around in their home town and be a baker or some shit
Sounds about right
Ethan Reyes
Don't reply to me again before I put your CV out to my network of WASPs on LinkedIn and you never get another job in this country again.
Carter Bailey
England isnt even Europe
Its an island close to Europe
Juan Gutierrez
America is not Anglo.
Anthony Howard
I'm literally an emperah' son since 700BC, filthy mut dweller britannicus
Matthew Bell
Based and WASPilled
Liam Lewis
Dude, anglos are still ruled by a foreigner today.
Since William btfo your people you've never managed to get your freedom back
Daniel Barnes
Between 1990 and 2000 the number of Americans with self reported English ancestry declined by over 8 million people and was already way lower than the actual number due to Anglo-Americans usually preferring to be called just Americans. Anglo-Saxons are the founding stock of this country; now, let's hear you whine, immigrant filth.
Juan Harris
Ive always hated referring to human ancestral ties like that
We're not fucking cattle
Luke Edwards
You're a mexican country now.
Cope angloid
Evan Martin
Wrong definition.
Originally from the Old English stocc, meaning a tree trunk.
>The trunk and woody main stems of a tree. The base from which something grows or branches.
>>lineage, family, ancestry.
>>(linguistics) A larger grouping of language families: a superfamily or macrofamily.
Michael Watson
Either way its stupid
Robert Ross
>Dude, anglos are still ruled by a foreigner today.
Because we asked them to. We had a native royal house but they became Catholic so we ditched them.
Nicholas Price
Okay, imbecile.
Christian Kelly
What you said simply isn't true, look at Utah.
Ian Russell
>Because we asked them to.
Did you asked for a foreigner to rule over you? God, anglos are more pathetic than I thought
>We had a native royal house but they became Catholic so we ditched them.
The Stuarts? They were not anglo.
Brandon Walker
Matthew Gray
Sebastian Green
We're not trees
>but muh family tree analogy
Benjamin Hernandez
Also look at the flag
>ameritard doesn't understand the metaphor of family tree
God how can my countrymen be so fucking stupid all the time
Carson Lopez
One state? Do you unironically think that the rest of these Anglos dropped off the face of the Earth?
Landon Reyes
>asks for distinction
>has it explained
This is why they laugh. This country has so many people - smart people galore - but our brainlets are LOUD
Jackson Smith
Levi Long
nice way to larp stuff entertaining their arrogance i guess.
Evan Anderson
Nicholas Ortiz
Easton Allen
A french is worth a thousand anglos.
Cameron Williams
My great great great great great great grandfather raped your great great great great great great grandmother and killed your great great great great great great grandfather. She's enjoyed so much.
David Green
Ethan King
At least I'm not a mutt larping as anglo