
Attached: jo.png (374x320, 157.79K)

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the street outside my house is currently littered with the bodies of dead mutts
Should I help get rid of them?

am i a bad person for slightly enjoying the hurt i cause girls by being a fuccboi?

Quarantine has not impacted me at all, I still get pubsubs daily

reposting this because

something something joke about the mutts being your fellow americans

Heres the vid matey

DID every other big animal survive the frost though? stuff like mammoths were herbivores so still had food to eat. Was an ice age that killed the dinosaurs after all, dont see tyrannosaurses trotting about

want Genghis and the entire Mongol horde to stampede me bollocks into a fine dust

>tfw no flat faced neanderthalensis gf

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im not sure lads if yanks are really really thick or just pretending

Can you flambé's talking about films please leave that disucssion in the last thread

no way neanderthals looked like this

the social network is a masterpiece lad

Working on a cracker of a joke that will get me into Leozaur's inner circle

You are developing signs of Schizophrenia. Get help. This isn't a hallucination Lisicki

no it is not

there were loads mroe megafauna back then than there are today and thats just a fact. how much you can attribute to climate change or human interaction depends entirely on which species you're talking about

generally speaking predators used to be much bulkier and heavier, direwolves, cave bears, sabre cats , yet all their modern relatives have adopted more lithe, athletic, agile builds requiring less food with great success

they’re not pretending
Americans are really fucking stupid. Living here is pretty toxic being around so many idiots all the time

Opened it, heard four seconds of that voice, closed it

Hate these new style "educational" videos on youtube. Listen to some actual lectures on a subject for fucks sakes, these things are an abomination.

>dude what if zucc made some enemies whole making faceboookkk

he has drug induced skitz mate hes admitted to it

don’t trust that bloke who talks about prehistoric stuff on joe rogan always bangs on about mainstream archeologists and mainstream scientists being wrong huge red flag academic outcasts are usually just crackpots who come up with zany theories instead of putting in proper research if he was this great scientist he wouldn’t be on an mma podcast frequented by failed comedians and conspiracy nutters

what. we really are thick too be honist. we eat mcdonalds everyday even 8 years old are like 117 pounds

The worst is when they use an artstyle like this

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idk why but i feel like neanderthals would be allergic as fuck to most plants and fruits

they probably didn't but there's a huge effort in archaeology/anthropology to "humanise" neanderthals, some are now even saying they were not in fact a separate species

how is the online schooling going for you

yh ik

it’s actually scary how quickly his videos went down in quality after he sold out

shit like this can be useful if you want a very brief introduction to a topic

not their thickness but their stubbornness that irks me also their emotional intelligence it’s hard to read when someone’s being sarcy etc online but honestly some of the yanks on here have no sense for it

Silence was the best of the 2010s imo

yes, joe does the same withe the ancient egypt rejects who are clearly just trying to make money of their alternative history books

Post more nice instrumental music /brit/


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miss this lil nigga like you wouldnt believe

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I am still in highschool but i’m 18
it sucks

Weirdest thing about talking to real life Americans is how ignorant they are about the rest of the world. I understand it must be different living in the hyperculture, centre of the world, etc but even intelligent Americans don't know about anything unless it relates directly to them.


really enjoyed once upon a time in hollywood lads gets better with each rewatch

tit for tat i'd say of all the famous directors out there the Coen Brothers made the most really good films of the 2010s

>UK woman claims she was refused mental health treatment because she's 'too pretty'

ask me something about the world then

Fix it.

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no country for old men is kino