Anglos and Americans are the real Germanics. The ones living in G*ermany are all Slavic rape babies.
Anglos and Americans are the real Germanics. The ones living in G*ermany are all Slavic rape babies.
You're retarded
You're retarded
You’re retarded.
You're retarded
You're retarded
>anglos are the real germanics
Self-belief intensifies.
Average german american
average "german" from germany
>average german american poster
You’re retarded
Außerdem ein anscheinend saurer Mischling
why are americans so retarded on this website ? and don't tell me you're doing it on purpose, it would be even more stupid.
America will be defeated by China
Because the gist of your strength is decreasing
Contrary to that
Nigarabhispanic is arising
You should cherish Germanic Anglo Saxon Nordic people more
>on this website
I don't want to upset you, but...
we're just fooling around. lighten up frenchman
Mental illness? amerimutts tend to all develop some extreme form of fetishism for heritagefagging specifically the self proclaimed "germanic americans". And larp as some great protector of all that is white. Too much Skyrim larping maybe?
True, the original Germans no longer exist and German culture has been muttified beyond belief.
C’est carrément à cause de l’absence d’autres pays, cultures et surtout LANGUES sur ce continent. C’est pas comme là en France, ici il nous faut plusieurs heures (voir jour) juste pour sortir de notre belle «île» monolingue
Your strength insist on Germanic white
If the population of those kinds of people is decreasing on this rate
You will be defeated by China in every way
Nigarabhispanic is low IQ and lazy as hell
cope, spic
The tribe that triumphed over Rome has long been gone due to the melting pot of rapes that was and still is continental Europe. In essence, we are the original Germans.
but what ? Yas Forums used to be less stupid than it is now, just look at it : no new memes, only boring insults threw at each others by mediocre anons.
The Anglo-Saxons are the descendants of the great empires of Europa. We are the only people who can claim direct lineage from not only the Germanic tribes but also Rome and Greece.
But they're truly retarded.
>no new memes, only boring insults threw at each others by mediocre anons.
I call it "The Great Yas Forums Crisis"
KEK'D Americans are Black and Brits are practically 56% medshits from anatolia
uzbeks are the true germanics. the ones in europe have been poisoned by mediterranian, slavic, and celtic genes. sad to say the only true germanics left are in uzbekistan particularly karakalpakstan
Why the fuck do you get your own flag?
I agree, but Anglo-Saxons are pure Germanics.
Uzbeks need VPNs because their shithole government doesn't allow them to access civilised society, and if you're going to use VPNs, why not use a somewhat rare flag?