Have you ever benefited from being white?

Have you ever benefited from being white?

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one time i was running from the cops and the shot at me with a gatling gun but all the bullets suddenly curved in mid air and hit the nearest minority so yea

fake. they wouldnt have shot at you if you were really white. you must be mixed race

have sex

it was dark outside and i was wearing a long sleeve hoodie so they couldn't see my white marbled skin


i didn't mean to upset you man. it was just a joke

i am not black
that alone is a benefit

he just wants to have sex with you because you're not white

if you were really white you would know that all white people shine bright at night via their illuminated outline

>if you were really white you would know that all white people shine bright at night via their illuminated outline
this is true but i suppressed my glow once the coppers were onto me

Yeah. When I was younger and dumber I carried some drugs cross border in a shitty SA country. Got on a bus, didn't even have a visa, and the cops walked right past me to pull a couple of dirty indio laborers off so they could strip search.

Being white is a burden.

The only time I’m even aware of it is when I go on vacation to places like Morocco or Crete
and Having all the swarthy, hairy looking brown men hitting on my mum and sisters
Always remember my dad nearly smacking a taxi driver in Marrakesh for being a browncel CREEP!!!

Shhh, they're not supposed to know about our cloaking powers.


thank god I wasn't born white

Being non-white seems like a burden, especially if you're an obvious minority like asians or blacks

Yeah the hypnotic powers are pretty cool once you learn to control them honestly, but after a while you have to be cautious or the black kids start chanting their long-lost black magic spells in an attempt to banish you

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No, but I have benefitted from not being South Asian/MENA/Black. That's the real privilege.

Never. Actually, in primary school other kids used to call me "milk fart" for being pale-skinned. lol

Pretty much everyday

>I’m an idiot and I don’t understand that the concept of white privileges has a meaning only in USA or for English teacher in Asia

You made an incredible amount of assumptions based on nothing user, that's impressive.

You don't think an average european is better off than a paki or a nigger in Europe?

The first and the last time I graffited a wall a copcar stopped right on my side for about 10 seconds and then leave without doing or saying anything.

I am only "white" for brazilian standarts tho

quantum fucking kek


Once I got arrested and was held in a youth cell for 2 days. I got to go home on sunday. I don't know if my parents being able to get a lawyer was what got me out or the fact that I'm white.

good post this

im metis, but nobody can tell. how do i let people know i am not white, but in fact metis. ok thx

Depends on where said nigger or paki lives. Unironically there is no white privilege here as they have all the same opportunities as the rest do. The absolute worst thing they might face is prejudiced individuals. If they lived in some eastern euro counts they'd probably have a slighly rougher time of it.

>Tfw Mexican castizo
>so white that I can perfectly blend into the white community
>never have been arrested
>never had a felony
>Can smash some prime brown pussy
>Can say nigga and not being arrested since I'm not Anglo saxon nor black

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